I'm attempting to show the pivot table details of each row in the table in a different sheet. There is also some formatting going on. My issue is that it is trying to create a sheet for the grand total. I can obviously remove the total, but I might be handing this off to someone in the future, and I want it to be as robust as possible. I got the below code for creating the sheets from an other post (the subsequent formatting is my own code). I've tried googling the DataBodyRange.Resize method, since I don't really understand that first line of the For loop, but I'm not finding anything useful.
VBA Code:
Sub Builder_Payroll_Test()
Dim c As Range
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
For Each c In .DataBodyRange.Resize(, 1)
c.ShowDetail = True
ActiveSheet.Name = Range("C2")
Dim listobj As ListObject
For Each listobj In ActiveSheet.ListObjects
Next listobj
Range("M1:R1").Cells.Interior.Color = 5287936
Range("M:M, N:N, P:P, R:R").Cells.NumberFormat = "@"
Range("Q:Q").Cells.NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"
Next c
End With
End Sub