I'm using the following code to read and alert if the file is read only :
Is it possible to name and shame the person still in the file ? It appears in the standard warning (assuming you haven't bypassed such things) but is the variable available to be used ?
Many thanks
Dim boolStatus As Boolean
boolStatus = ActiveWorkbook.ReadOnly
If boolStatus = False Then
notesErr = "Warning this file is read only !" & vbCrLf
notesErr = notesErr & "no information will be saved." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
notesbox = MsgBox(notesErr, vbCritical, "WARNING")
End If
Is it possible to name and shame the person still in the file ? It appears in the standard warning (assuming you haven't bypassed such things) but is the variable available to be used ?
Many thanks