I adapted some code from a previous posting of mine to also look at the date column and fill in the year column.
Credit goes to HOTPEPPER who helped me set up the Month part of this script.
However, for my data purposes I need the 2 digit year. Eg 11 instead of 2011. Any ideas how I might achieve this?
I put the code below~
I adapted some code from a previous posting of mine to also look at the date column and fill in the year column.
Credit goes to HOTPEPPER who helped me set up the Month part of this script.
However, for my data purposes I need the 2 digit year. Eg 11 instead of 2011. Any ideas how I might achieve this?
I put the code below~
Dim tc As Range, yc As Range, y As Long
Set tc = Range("1:1").Find("Date", , , xlWhole)
If tc Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Date Column not Found", vbExclamation: Exit Sub
Set yc = Range("1:1").Find("Year", , , xlWhole)
If tc Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Year Column not Found", vbExclamation: Exit Sub
y = Cells(Rows.Count, tc.Column).End(xlUp).Row
With yc.Offset(1).Resize(y - 1)
.Formula = "=YEAR(" & tc.Range("A2").Address(0, 0) & ")"
.Value = .Value
End With