I am trying to adapt a macro with hard coded ranges to use flexible ranges based on user input.
The macro creates a monthly calendar that I would like to use for my daily task pages. There are
14 different areas on the document where the calendar resides.
My problem is referencing the ranges once they are set. This is a portion of the code.
The code hits the error trap (not shown) at Range("mTitle"). Am I referencing the ranges incorrectly
or is the setup wrong? The code works correctly with the hard coded ranges.
Thanks, Marteb
I am trying to adapt a macro with hard coded ranges to use flexible ranges based on user input.
The macro creates a monthly calendar that I would like to use for my daily task pages. There are
14 different areas on the document where the calendar resides.
My problem is referencing the ranges once they are set. This is a portion of the code.
' sCell = Starting Cell - Input 1A, 1B, etc (1A first page, first calendar)
Dim sCell As String
' Define Ranges
Dim mTitle As Range
Dim mLabel As Range
Dim dTitle As Range
Dim dlabel As Range
sCell = InputBox("Enter Starting Cell")
' Beginning Case Statement - Set Ranges
Select Case sCell
Case Is = "1A"
Set mTitle = Range("a1")
Set mLabel = Range("a1:g1")
Set dTitle = Range("a2:g2")
Set dlabel = Range("a2")
End Select
[B]Range("mTitle").NumberFormat = "mmmm"[/B]
With Range("mLabel")
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenterAcrossSelection
.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
.Font.Size = 11
.Font.Bold = True
.RowHeight = 14.25
End With
or is the setup wrong? The code works correctly with the hard coded ranges.
Thanks, Marteb