Hi All. Thank you in advance for any help provided. I have workbook A and I have code to open an exisitng workbook based based on a cell value. I want a specific tab (based on a cell value) to be copied from the newly opened wb and pasted into workbook A. Here is my code.
If I change the tab reference to Sheets("0908").Activate. It works fine. Why does this not accept the varTabvalue? Thanks again.
Sub OpenBCP()
Dim ExtFile As String
Dim ExtBk As Workbook
Dim varTabvalue As String
'define variable values cell locations
varTabvalue = Lkbx.Range("c10").Value
ExtFile = Lkbx.Range("b6").Value
'open variable filename in cell, if wrong, select file
If Not ExtFile = "" And Dir(ExtFile) <> "" Then
ExtFile = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="microsoft excel files (*.xlsx), *.xlsx", Title:="Please Select BCP file")
End If
On Error Resume Next
Set ExtBk = Workbooks(Dir(ExtFile))
On Error GoTo 0
If ExtBk Is Nothing Then
Application.Workbooks.Open ExtFile
Set ExtBk = Workbooks(Dir(ExtFile))
End If
[COLOR=#ff0000] Sheets(varTabvalue).Activate
[/COLOR] ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Copy
End Sub
If I change the tab reference to Sheets("0908").Activate. It works fine. Why does this not accept the varTabvalue? Thanks again.
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