This macro works perfectly; however, the VBA Toolbox appears during the execution.....and I have NO ideas why?
ANY ideas greatly appreciated!!!
Hope everyone is having a great week!
Sub Green_Sheet()
' Opens the Green Sheet and Processing Efficiency for comparison
' Macro developed 29 Dec 2010 by Clifford Williams
UserForm2.Label1.Caption = "Opening your report..."
Dim Month As Date
Dim FileName As String
Month = (Date)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' turn OFF the screen updating
If Month >= DateValue("9/16/2010") And Month < DateValue("10/16/2010") Then
FileName = "RY 11 RY 11 OCT Green.xlsx"
ElseIf Month >= DateValue("10/16/2010") And Month < DateValue("11/19/2010") Then
FileName = "RY 11 NOV Green.xlsx"
ElseIf Month >= DateValue("11/19/2010") And Month < DateValue("12/18/2010") Then
FileName = "RY 11 DEC Green.xlsx"
ElseIf Month >= DateValue("12/18/2010") And Month < DateValue("1/19/2011") Then
FileName = "RY 11 Jan Green.xlsx"
ElseIf Month >= DateValue("1/19/2011") And Month < DateValue("2/19/2011") Then
FileName = "RY 11 Feb Green.xlsx"
ElseIf Month >= DateValue("2/19/2011") And Month < DateValue("3/19/2011") Then
FileName = "RY 11 Mar Green.xlsx"
ElseIf Month >= DateValue("3/19/2011") And Month < DateValue("4/16/2011") Then
FileName = "RY 11 Apr Green.xlsx"
ElseIf Month >= DateValue("4/16/2011") And Month < DateValue("5/21/2011") Then
FileName = "RY 11 May Green.xlsx"
ElseIf Month >= DateValue("5/21/2011") And Month < DateValue("6/18/2011") Then
FileName = "RY 11 June Green.xlsx"
ElseIf Month >= DateValue("6/18/2011") And Month < DateValue("7/16/2011") Then
FileName = "RY 11 July Green.xlsx"
ElseIf Month >= DateValue("7/16/2011") And Month < DateValue("8/20/2011") Then
FileName = "RY 11 Aug Green.xlsx"
ElseIf Month >= DateValue("8/20/2011") And Month < DateValue("9/17/2011") Then
FileName = "RY 11 Sep Green.xlsx"
End If
Workbooks.Open FileName:= _
"[URL="file://\\XXXXXXXXXp\s3_data$\MEPSFLR\FLR"]\\XXXXXXXXXp\s3_data$\MEPSFLR\FLR[/URL] CDR\BDE_Reports\" + FileName, UpdateLinks:=0
Sheets(" Disq").Select
Columns("G:G").ColumnWidth = 5.75
ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView
UserForm2.Label1.Caption = "Saving the Green Sheet..."
UserForm2.Label1.Caption = "Printing the Green Sheet..."
ExecuteExcel4Macro "PRINT(1,,,1,,,,,,,,2,,,TRUE,,FALSE)"
ChDir "[URL="file://\\XXXXXX\s3_data$\MEPSFLR\FLR"]\\XXXXXX\s3_data$\MEPSFLR\FLR[/URL] CDR"
UserForm2.Label1.Caption = "Opening the Processing Efficiency..."
Workbooks.Open FileName:="[URL="file://\\XXXXXXX\s3_data$\MEPSFLR\FLR"]\\XXXXXXX\s3_data$\MEPSFLR\FLR[/URL] CDR\2011ProcEff.xlsm"
UserForm2.Label1.Caption = "Saving the Green Sheet..."
UserForm2.Label1.Caption = "Processing Complete..."
Unload UserForm2
ActiveWorkbook.Saved = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True ' turn ON the screen updating
End Sub
ANY ideas greatly appreciated!!!
Hope everyone is having a great week!