I figured out why it was running (user error)
I finally got it to work, I did it the long winded way, but i guess the outcome is all that matters....thanks for the help
This is the code I ended up using:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range
Dim alert1 As Variant
Dim alert2 As Variant
Dim alert3 As Variant
Dim alert4 As Variant
Dim alert5 As Variant
Dim alert6 As Variant
Dim alert7 As Variant
Dim alert8 As Variant
Dim alert9 As Variant
Dim alert10 As Variant
Dim flag1 As Variant
Dim flag2 As Variant
Dim flag3 As Variant
Dim flag4 As Variant
Dim flag5 As Variant
Dim flag6 As Variant
Dim flag7 As Variant
Dim flag8 As Variant
Dim flag9 As Variant
Dim flag10 As Variant
Set rng = Target.Parent.Range("B9")
' Only look at single cell changes
If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
' Only look at that range
If Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
' Action if Condition(s) are met (do your thing here...)
On Error GoTo oops
flag1 = Sheets("References").Range("G1").Value
flag2 = Sheets("References").Range("G2").Value
flag3 = Sheets("References").Range("G3").Value
flag4 = Sheets("References").Range("G4").Value
flag5 = Sheets("References").Range("G5").Value
flag6 = Sheets("References").Range("G6").Value
flag7 = Sheets("References").Range("G7").Value
flag8 = Sheets("References").Range("G8").Value
flag9 = Sheets("References").Range("G9").Value
flag10 = Sheets("References").Range("G10").Value
alert1 = Sheets("References").Range("H1").Value
alert2 = Sheets("References").Range("H2").Value
alert3 = Sheets("References").Range("H3").Value
alert4 = Sheets("References").Range("H4").Value
alert5 = Sheets("References").Range("H5").Value
alert6 = Sheets("References").Range("H6").Value
alert7 = Sheets("References").Range("H7").Value
alert8 = Sheets("References").Range("H8").Value
alert9 = Sheets("References").Range("H9").Value
alert10 = Sheets("References").Range("H10").Value
If rng = flag1 Then
MsgBox alert1, vbOKOnly, "RED_FLAG_RAILCAR"
If rng = flag2 Then
MsgBox alert2, vbOKOnly, "RED_FLAG_RAILCAR"
If rng = flag3 Then
MsgBox alert3, vbOKOnly, "RED_FLAG_RAILCAR"
If rng = flag4 Then
MsgBox alert4, vbOKOnly, "RED_FLAG_RAILCAR"
If rng = flag5 Then
MsgBox alert5, vbOKOnly, "RED_FLAG_RAILCAR"
If rng = flag6 Then
MsgBox alert6, vbOKOnly, "RED_FLAG_RAILCAR"
If rng = flag7 Then
MsgBox alert7, vbOKOnly, "RED_FLAG_RAILCAR"
If rng = flag8 Then
MsgBox alert8, vbOKOnly, "RED_FLAG_RAILCAR"
If rng = flag9 Then
MsgBox alert9, vbOKOnly, "RED_FLAG_RAILCAR"
If rng = flag10 Then
MsgBox alert10, vbOKOnly, "RED_FLAG_RAILCAR"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub