I have a macro that pulls meteorological data from various sensor data files (txt CSV files) on a network and puts them in a spreadsheet when the button is pushed. The macro reads the data files until the last/newest string is read, as a loop function. It takes the newest/last value and enters it in the spreadsheet. For the wind data I would like to take the average of say the last 10 measurements instead of the very last one. Can anyone help me with the best way to do this? Can I do it with a similar loop function?
Here is a sample string of the wind data file:
The values I want to average are the first number just after the $DERIV which is the wind direction
Here is the Macro so far. I haven't written in anything for the wind data yet but you can see the functions for the other data:
Const NavDirectory = "GPS_Data\"
Const DriveSpec = "U:\"
Const GPGGAFileSpec = "*GP150-NMEA-GPGGA*"
Const MetDirectory = "Meteorlogic_Data\"
Const SAMOSDirectory = "SAMOS\"
Const SSTFileSpec = "*SAMOS-SST-DA_*"
Const SeparatorCharacter = ","
Public Function GetLastString(FileName As String) As String
Dim FileNum As Integer, tLine As String
FileNum = FreeFile ' next file number
On Error GoTo exitFunction
Open FileName For Input Access Read Shared As #FileNum ' open the file for reading
Do While Not EOF(FileNum)
Line Input #FileNum, tLine ' read a line from the text file
Loop ' until the last line is read
Close #FileNum ' close the file
'MsgBox tLine, vbInformation, "Last log information:"
GetLastString = tLine
End Function
Public Function GetLatLonFileName() As String
GetLatLonFileName = NewestFile(DriveSpec, NavDirectory, GPGGAFileSpec)
End Function
Public Function GetYOUNGFileName() As String
GetYOUNGFileName = NewestFile(DriveSpec, MetDirectory, YOUNGFileSpec)
End Function
Public Function GetSSTFileName() As String
GetSSTFileName = NewestFile(DriveSpec, SAMOSDirectory, SSTFileSpec)
End Function
Function NewestFile(Drive, Directory, FileSpec)
' Returns the name of the most recent file in a Directory
' That matches the FileSpec (e.g., "*TSG*").
' Returns an empty string if the directory does not exist or
' it contains no matching files
Dim FileName As String
Dim MostRecentFile As String
Dim MostRecentDate As Date
If Right(Directory, 1) <> "\" Then Directory = Directory & "\"
FileName = Dir(Drive & Directory & FileSpec, vbNormal)
If FileName <> "" Then
MostRecentFile = FileName
MostRecentDate = FileDateTime(Drive & Directory & FileName)
Do While FileName <> ""
If FileDateTime(Drive & Directory & FileName) > MostRecentDate Then
MostRecentFile = FileName
MostRecentDate = FileDateTime(Drive & Directory & FileName)
End If
FileName = Dir
End If
NewestFile = Drive + Directory + MostRecentFile
End Function
Function ParseDelimitedString(InputString As String, SepChar As String) As Variant
' returns a variant array containing each single item in
' InputString separated by SepChar
Dim i As Integer, tString As String, tChar As String * 1
Dim sCount As Integer, ResultArray() As Variant
tString = ""
sCount = 0
For i = 1 To Len(InputString)
tChar = Mid$(InputString, i, 1)
If tChar = SepChar Then
sCount = sCount + 1
ReDim Preserve ResultArray(1 To sCount)
ResultArray(sCount) = tString
tString = ""
tString = tString & tChar
End If
Next i
sCount = sCount + 1
ReDim Preserve ResultArray(1 To sCount)
ResultArray(sCount) = tString
ParseDelimitedString = ResultArray
End Function
Sub UpdateFields()
Rownum = ActiveCell.Row
LatLonValues = ParseDelimitedString(GetLastString(GetLatLonFileName()), SeparatorCharacter)
LatDeg = (LatLonValues(5) - Right("00" + LatLonValues(5), 7)) / 100
LatMin = Right("00" + LatLonValues(5), 7)
LatSign = LatLonValues(6)
LonDeg = (LatLonValues(7) - Right("00" + LatLonValues(7), 7)) / 100
LonMin = Right("00" + LatLonValues(7), 7)
LonSign = LatLonValues(8)
YoungValues = ParseDelimitedString(GetLastString(GetYOUNGFileName()), SeparatorCharacter)
Press = YoungValues(16)
AirTemp = YoungValues(4)
WBAirTemp = YoungValues(13)
SSTValues = ParseDelimitedString(GetLastString(GetSSTFileName()), SeparatorCharacter)
SST = SSTValues(4)
Range("B" & Rownum) = LatDeg
Range("C" & Rownum) = LatMin
Range("D" & Rownum) = LatSign
Range("E" & Rownum) = LonDeg
Range("F" & Rownum) = LonMin
Range("G" & Rownum) = LonSign
Range("A" & Rownum) = Date + Time
Range("O" & Rownum) = Press
Range("P" & Rownum) = AirTemp
Range("Q" & Rownum) = WBAirTemp
Range("N" & Rownum) = SST
Selection.Font.Bold = True
Range("A" & Rownum).Select
End Sub
Here is a sample string of the wind data file:
The values I want to average are the first number just after the $DERIV which is the wind direction
Here is the Macro so far. I haven't written in anything for the wind data yet but you can see the functions for the other data:
Const NavDirectory = "GPS_Data\"
Const DriveSpec = "U:\"
Const GPGGAFileSpec = "*GP150-NMEA-GPGGA*"
Const MetDirectory = "Meteorlogic_Data\"
Const SAMOSDirectory = "SAMOS\"
Const SSTFileSpec = "*SAMOS-SST-DA_*"
Const SeparatorCharacter = ","
Public Function GetLastString(FileName As String) As String
Dim FileNum As Integer, tLine As String
FileNum = FreeFile ' next file number
On Error GoTo exitFunction
Open FileName For Input Access Read Shared As #FileNum ' open the file for reading
Do While Not EOF(FileNum)
Line Input #FileNum, tLine ' read a line from the text file
Loop ' until the last line is read
Close #FileNum ' close the file
'MsgBox tLine, vbInformation, "Last log information:"
GetLastString = tLine
End Function
Public Function GetLatLonFileName() As String
GetLatLonFileName = NewestFile(DriveSpec, NavDirectory, GPGGAFileSpec)
End Function
Public Function GetYOUNGFileName() As String
GetYOUNGFileName = NewestFile(DriveSpec, MetDirectory, YOUNGFileSpec)
End Function
Public Function GetSSTFileName() As String
GetSSTFileName = NewestFile(DriveSpec, SAMOSDirectory, SSTFileSpec)
End Function
Function NewestFile(Drive, Directory, FileSpec)
' Returns the name of the most recent file in a Directory
' That matches the FileSpec (e.g., "*TSG*").
' Returns an empty string if the directory does not exist or
' it contains no matching files
Dim FileName As String
Dim MostRecentFile As String
Dim MostRecentDate As Date
If Right(Directory, 1) <> "\" Then Directory = Directory & "\"
FileName = Dir(Drive & Directory & FileSpec, vbNormal)
If FileName <> "" Then
MostRecentFile = FileName
MostRecentDate = FileDateTime(Drive & Directory & FileName)
Do While FileName <> ""
If FileDateTime(Drive & Directory & FileName) > MostRecentDate Then
MostRecentFile = FileName
MostRecentDate = FileDateTime(Drive & Directory & FileName)
End If
FileName = Dir
End If
NewestFile = Drive + Directory + MostRecentFile
End Function
Function ParseDelimitedString(InputString As String, SepChar As String) As Variant
' returns a variant array containing each single item in
' InputString separated by SepChar
Dim i As Integer, tString As String, tChar As String * 1
Dim sCount As Integer, ResultArray() As Variant
tString = ""
sCount = 0
For i = 1 To Len(InputString)
tChar = Mid$(InputString, i, 1)
If tChar = SepChar Then
sCount = sCount + 1
ReDim Preserve ResultArray(1 To sCount)
ResultArray(sCount) = tString
tString = ""
tString = tString & tChar
End If
Next i
sCount = sCount + 1
ReDim Preserve ResultArray(1 To sCount)
ResultArray(sCount) = tString
ParseDelimitedString = ResultArray
End Function
Sub UpdateFields()
Rownum = ActiveCell.Row
LatLonValues = ParseDelimitedString(GetLastString(GetLatLonFileName()), SeparatorCharacter)
LatDeg = (LatLonValues(5) - Right("00" + LatLonValues(5), 7)) / 100
LatMin = Right("00" + LatLonValues(5), 7)
LatSign = LatLonValues(6)
LonDeg = (LatLonValues(7) - Right("00" + LatLonValues(7), 7)) / 100
LonMin = Right("00" + LatLonValues(7), 7)
LonSign = LatLonValues(8)
YoungValues = ParseDelimitedString(GetLastString(GetYOUNGFileName()), SeparatorCharacter)
Press = YoungValues(16)
AirTemp = YoungValues(4)
WBAirTemp = YoungValues(13)
SSTValues = ParseDelimitedString(GetLastString(GetSSTFileName()), SeparatorCharacter)
SST = SSTValues(4)
Range("B" & Rownum) = LatDeg
Range("C" & Rownum) = LatMin
Range("D" & Rownum) = LatSign
Range("E" & Rownum) = LonDeg
Range("F" & Rownum) = LonMin
Range("G" & Rownum) = LonSign
Range("A" & Rownum) = Date + Time
Range("O" & Rownum) = Press
Range("P" & Rownum) = AirTemp
Range("Q" & Rownum) = WBAirTemp
Range("N" & Rownum) = SST
Selection.Font.Bold = True
Range("A" & Rownum).Select
End Sub