Hi there!
hope someone can help me with this...
I have a macro that collects gps latitude and longitude and then opens a google maps static page:
Sheets("resume").WebBrowser1.Navigate ("http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=" & Coord.Latitude & "," & Coord.Longitude & "&size=429x248&maptype=roadmap&zoom=12&sensor=false&markers=label:A|color:blue|38.693611,-9.338056&markers=label:B|color:blue|38.713056,-9.347777778&markers=label:X|size:mid|color:white|" & Coord.Latitude & "," & Coord.Longitude)
This is:
- Centering the map on current position
- Show 2 additional static markers
- Show a marker with current position
It is actually working but... I start the macro with a counter to repeat this operation 5 times, it only refreshes the map with current position in the end of the macro (last cycle). This way I will only get a map with the last coordinate, instead of refreshing the map with every new position...
start macro
cycle 1: no map refresh
cycle 2: no map refresh
cycle 3: no map refresh
cycle 4: no map refresh
cycle 5: map refresh ok
end of macro
I have tried:
Nothing works
hope someone can help me with this...
I have a macro that collects gps latitude and longitude and then opens a google maps static page:
Sheets("resume").WebBrowser1.Navigate ("http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=" & Coord.Latitude & "," & Coord.Longitude & "&size=429x248&maptype=roadmap&zoom=12&sensor=false&markers=label:A|color:blue|38.693611,-9.338056&markers=label:B|color:blue|38.713056,-9.347777778&markers=label:X|size:mid|color:white|" & Coord.Latitude & "," & Coord.Longitude)
This is:
- Centering the map on current position
- Show 2 additional static markers
- Show a marker with current position
It is actually working but... I start the macro with a counter to repeat this operation 5 times, it only refreshes the map with current position in the end of the macro (last cycle). This way I will only get a map with the last coordinate, instead of refreshing the map with every new position...
start macro
cycle 1: no map refresh
cycle 2: no map refresh
cycle 3: no map refresh
cycle 4: no map refresh
cycle 5: map refresh ok
end of macro
I have tried:
Nothing works