Let’s say I have 3 sheets in a workbook, 1st sheet is named Jan, second Feb, and third Mar.
If the active sheet is Jan and I wanted to apply the value from a userForm textbox to sheet Mar A1, I’ve been trying to use code similar to this but I get an error:
Range(“Mar!A1”).value = TextBox.value
So I change it to this
Range(“A1”).Value = TextBox.Value
This works fine but it just doesn’t seem efficient and it doesn’t look professional due to the screen flickering as it selects the different sheets. I know I can use:
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
But again it just doesn’t seem efficient!
I’ve also tried code like Sheets(“Mar”!Range(“A1”) but again I get errors.
Can anybody, somebody show me what code I should be using???
Many Thanks in advance!
Ryan UK
If the active sheet is Jan and I wanted to apply the value from a userForm textbox to sheet Mar A1, I’ve been trying to use code similar to this but I get an error:
Range(“Mar!A1”).value = TextBox.value
So I change it to this
Range(“A1”).Value = TextBox.Value
This works fine but it just doesn’t seem efficient and it doesn’t look professional due to the screen flickering as it selects the different sheets. I know I can use:
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
But again it just doesn’t seem efficient!
I’ve also tried code like Sheets(“Mar”!Range(“A1”) but again I get errors.
Can anybody, somebody show me what code I should be using???

Many Thanks in advance!
Ryan UK