Dennis, to run it:
mergePDFFiles "C:Archivos de ProgramaAdobeAcrobat 4.0PDF Output", TDir & TFile, PDFList()
where the first parameter is the directory that the .pdf files are located, the second one is the destination file, and the third one is the list of files (.pdf's as well) (Now that I look at it, i should take another look at it !)
Look at this look too:
Here's the function (It's in a module all by itself...)
Note I didn't write this, made a few adjusts, but I found this code on the net.
<pre>''Standard module
Public PDFList() As String
Public cntFiles As Integer
'/ This project has referenced (Tools>References) the Acrobat 4.0
'/ Object Type Library - if you reuse the code ensure you make the reference to it.
Public Sub mergePDFFiles(inDirectory As String, outMergeFile As String, fileList() As String)
Dim AcroApp As CAcroApp
Dim PDDoc As CAcroPDDoc
Dim InsertPDDoc As CAcroPDDoc
Dim iNumberOfPagesToInsert As Integer, iLastPage As Integer
Set AcroApp = CreateObject("AcroExch.App")
Set PDDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
Set InsertPDDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
'/ Is there a trailing backslash on the inDirectory?
If Right(inDirectory, 1) <> "" Then
inDirectory = inDirectory & ""
End If
'/ Hide the Acrobat window
'/ Create a Blank PDDoc (The Merge File) - Alterations courtesy of KDA.
If PDDoc.Create = False Then
MsgBox "Creation not successful"
End If
For goRound = LBound(fileList()) To UBound(fileList())
' Get the total pages less one for the last page num [zero based]
iLastPage = PDDoc.GetNumPages - 1
'/If (iLastPage = -1) Then iLastPage = 0
If fileList(goRound) = "" Then
Exit For
End If
'/ Using the fileList Array access the first index member
If InsertPDDoc.Open(fileList(goRound)) = False Then
'/ MsgBox "Error Opening The File To Insert - " & fileList(goRound), , "MergePDFs - Command Line"
Exit Sub
End If
'/ Get the number of pages to insert from the Current InsertPDDoc object
iNumberOfPagesToInsert = InsertPDDoc.GetNumPages
strOutput = "Go Round Counter for fileList array: " & goRound & vbCrLf & _
"File List Array Item: " & fileList(goRound) & vbCrLf & _
"Insert Document: " & InsertPDDoc.GetFileName & vbCrLf & _
"Last Page Number: " & iLastPage & vbCrLf & _
"Number of Pages to Insert: " & iNumberOfPagesToInsert & vbCrLf & _
"File Name of PDDoc: " & PDDoc.GetFileName & vbCrLf & _
"Directory of In Files: " & inDirectory & vbCrLf & _
"Title from Insert Doc: " & InsertPDDoc.GetInfo("Title") & vbCrLf & _
"Number of Files in Array: " & cntFiles
'/ Insert the pages
If PDDoc.InsertPages(iLastPage, InsertPDDoc, 0, iNumberOfPagesToInsert, True) = False Then
'/MsgBox "Error Inserting Pages - " & inDirectory & fileList(goRound), , "MergePDFs - Command Line"
Exit Sub
End If
' Close the document without saving
If InsertPDDoc.Close() = False Then
'/MsgBox "Error Closing Insert Document - " & fileList(goRound), , "MergePDFs - Command Line"
Exit For
End If
'/ Save the File Optimized
If (PDDoc.Save(&H5, outMergeFile)) = False Then
MsgBox "Error Saving The Merged Document - " & outMergeFile, , "MergePDFs - Command Line"
Exit Sub
End If
' Close the PDDoc
If PDDoc.Close() = False Then
MsgBox "Error Closing The Merged Document - " & fileList(goRound), , "MergePDFs"
Exit Sub
End If
' Close Acrobat Exchange
Set AcroApp = Nothing
Set PDDoc = Nothing
Set InsertPDDoc = Nothing
'/MsgBox "Merge Completed", vbOKOnly, "MergePDF's - Command Line Version"
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, , "MergePDFs"
Exit Sub
End Sub</pre> If you need something else, give me a shot ! (And later, when I can retake the program, I'll take your word for the beta testing...)