I am trying to determine all the members of a distribution list - but get an error on the line in bold below - stating that you can't assign to a constant. Can somebody explain what I am doing wrong ? Thks
Rich (BB code):
Option Explicit
Public olApp As Outlook.Application
Public olNs As Namespace
Public Fldr As Object
Public olCi As Object
Public objRecip As Object
Public Row As Long
Public No_Of_Items As Long
Public objContact As ContactItem
Public objDistList As DistListItem
Public Temp As String
Public Total_No_of_members_in_Dist_List As Long
Public No_Of_Dist_List As Long
Public All_Outlook_data As Range
Public Distribution_List_Names(1000) As String
'Number of member of distribution Lists
Public No_of_Members_Of_Distribution_list(1000) As Long
Public Sub Define_Ranges()
Set All_Outlook_data = Sheets("Front Sheet").Range("Data_Range")
With All_Outlook_data
End With
End Sub
Public Sub Get_Names_And_Size_Of_Distribution_Lists()
Dim i As Long
Total_No_of_members_in_Dist_List = 0
i = 1
Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set Fldr = olNs.GetDefaultFolder(10).Items
'Loop through the items
For Each olCi In Fldr
'Check if we have a distribution list
If olCi.Class = olDistributionList Then
'If so get the name of the distribution list
Distribution_List_Names(i) = olCi.DLName
'Get the number of members of the distribution list
No_of_Members_Of_Distribution_list(i) = olCi.MemberCount
i = i + 1
Total_No_of_members_in_Dist_List = Total_No_of_members_in_Dist_List + No_of_Members_Of_Distribution_list(i)
End If
No_Of_Dist_List = i - 1
End Sub
Public Sub Write_Out_Names_of_Distribution_Lists()
'writes out the names of all the distribution lists
Dim j As Long
Dim k As Long
Dim r As Long
Dim next_free_row As Long
'Loop through each distribution list
r = 1
For j = 1 To No_Of_Dist_List
MsgBox j & " " & Distribution_List_Names(j) & " " & No_of_Members_Of_Distribution_list(j)
'check if there are any members in the list
'Deal with those distribution lists that have members
If No_of_Members_Of_Distribution_list(j) > 0 Then
For k = 1 To No_of_Members_Of_Distribution_list(j)
next_free_row = Sheets("Front Sheet").Range("B13").End(xlDown).Row
'Write out the name of the distribution list
With Sheets("Front Sheet").Range("B" & next_free_row + 1).Offset(r, 0)
.Value = Distribution_List_Names(j)
End With
Set olDistList = Fldr(Distribution_List_Names(j))
r = r + 1
End If
'Deal with the empty distribution lists
If (No_of_Members_Of_Distribution_list(j) = 0) Then
With Sheets("Front Sheet").Range("B" & next_free_row + 1).Offset(r, 0)
.Value = Distribution_List_Names(j)
End With
r = r + 1
End If
Next j
End Sub