zipfldr.dll - Zipping files with WITHOUT using WINZIP


Well-known Member
Mar 7, 2002
On your desktop, you can right-click a file and SEND TO and one of your options is 'Compressed (zipped) Folder'.

Hack your registry for the above string and you'll find it associated with system32/zipfldr.dll.

So I'm wondering if one can instanciate the DLL in VBA to zip files.
(Can't add a direct reference to it in the VBE.)

My users DO NOT want to use WINZIP but instead wnat to use the functionality provided them from a clean install of XP....


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Here's a set of functions I have for zipping files programatically. It's pretty big, and no I didn't build it, and I've actually never even used it yet. I got it from a co-worker. So your on your own for support cause I have no idea where it even came from. I just know that it works. The functions should be pretty self explanitory.


Option Explicit

'-- C Style argv
Public Type UNZIPnames
uzFiles(0 To 99) As String
End Type

'-- Callback Large "String"
Public Type UNZIPCBChar
ch(32800) As Byte
End Type

'-- Callback Small "String"
Public Type UNZIPCBCh
ch(256) As Byte
End Type

'-- UNZIP32.DLL DCL Structure
Public Type DCLIST
ExtractOnlyNewer As Long ' 1 = Extract Only Newer, Else 0
SpaceToUnderScore As Long ' 1 = Convert Space To Underscore, Else 0
PromptToOverwrite As Long ' 1 = Prompt To Overwrite Required, Else 0
fQuiet As Long ' 2 = No Messages, 1 = Less, 0 = All
ncflag As Long ' 1 = Write To Stdout, Else 0
ntflag As Long ' 1 = Test Zip File, Else 0
nvflag As Long ' 0 = Extract, 1 = List Zip Contents
nUflag As Long ' 1 = Extract Only Newer, Else 0
nzflag As Long ' 1 = Display Zip File Comment, Else 0
ndflag As Long ' 1 = Honor Directories, Else 0
noflag As Long ' 1 = Overwrite Files, Else 0
naflag As Long ' 1 = Convert CR To CRLF, Else 0
nZIflag As Long ' 1 = Zip Info Verbose, Else 0
C_flag As Long ' 1 = Case Insensitivity, 0 = Case Sensitivity
fPrivilege As Long ' 1 = ACL, 2 = Privileges
Zip As String ' The Zip Filename To Extract Files
ExtractDir As String ' The Extraction Directory, NULL If Extracting To Current Dir
End Type

'-- UNZIP32.DLL Userfunctions Structure
UZDLLPrnt As Long ' Pointer To Apps Print Function
UZDLLSND As Long ' Pointer To Apps Sound Function
UZDLLREPLACE As Long ' Pointer To Apps Replace Function
UZDLLPASSWORD As Long ' Pointer To Apps Password Function
UZDLLMESSAGE As Long ' Pointer To Apps Message Function
UZDLLSERVICE As Long ' Pointer To Apps Service Function (Not Coded!)
TotalSizeComp As Long ' Total Size Of Zip Archive
TotalSize As Long ' Total Size Of All Files In Archive
CompFactor As Long ' Compression Factor
NumMembers As Long ' Total Number Of All Files In The Archive
cchComment As Integer ' Flag If Archive Has A Comment!
End Type

'-- UNZIP32.DLL Version Structure
Public Type UZPVER
structlen As Long ' Length Of The Structure Being Passed
flag As Long ' Bit 0: is_beta bit 1: uses_zlib
beta As String * 10 ' e.g., "g BETA" or ""
date As String * 20 ' e.g., "4 Sep 95" (beta) or "4 September 1995"
zlib As String * 10 ' e.g., "1.0.5" or NULL
Unzip(1 To 4) As Byte ' Version Type Unzip
zipinfo(1 To 4) As Byte ' Version Type Zip Info
os2dll As Long ' Version Type OS2 DLL
windll(1 To 4) As Byte ' Version Type Windows DLL
End Type

'-- This Assumes UNZIP32.DLL Is In Your \Windows\System Directory!
Private Declare Function Wiz_SingleEntryUnzip Lib "unzip32.dll" _
(ByVal ifnc As Long, ByRef ifnv As UNZIPnames, _
ByVal xfnc As Long, ByRef xfnv As UNZIPnames, _
dcll As DCLIST, Userf As USERFUNCTION) As Long

Private Declare Sub UzpVersion2 Lib "unzip32.dll" (uzpv As UZPVER)

Public Type ZIPnames
s(0 To 99) As String
End Type

'ZPOPT is used to set options in the zip32.dll
Private Type ZPOPT
fSuffix As Long
fEncrypt As Long
fSystem As Long
fVolume As Long
fExtra As Long
fNoDirEntries As Long
fExcludeDate As Long
fIncludeDate As Long
fVerbose As Long
fQuiet As Long
fCRLF_LF As Long
fLF_CRLF As Long
fJunkDir As Long
fRecurse As Long
fGrow As Long
fForce As Long
fMove As Long
fDeleteEntries As Long
fUpdate As Long
fFreshen As Long
fJunkSFX As Long
fLatestTime As Long
fComment As Long
fOffsets As Long
fPrivilege As Long
fEncryption As Long
fRepair As Long
flevel As Byte
date As String ' 8 bytes long
szRootDir As String ' up to 256 bytes long
End Type

DLLPrnt As Long
End Type

'Structure ZCL - not used by VB
'Private Type ZCL
' argc As Long 'number of files
' filename As String 'Name of the Zip file
' fileArray As ZIPnames 'The array of filenames
'End Type

' Call back "string" (sic)
Private Type CBChar
ch(4096) As Byte
End Type

'Local declares


'This assumes zip32.dll is in your \windows\system directory!
Private Declare Function ZpInit Lib "zip32.dll" _
(ByRef Zipfun As ZIPUSERFUNCTIONS) As Long ' Set Zip Callbacks

Private Declare Function ZpSetOptions Lib "zip32.dll" _
(ByRef Opts As ZPOPT) As Long ' Set Zip options

Private Declare Function ZpGetOptions Lib "zip32.dll" _
() As ZPOPT ' used to check encryption flag only

Private Declare Function ZpArchive Lib "zip32.dll" _
(ByVal argc As Long, ByVal funame As String, ByRef argv As ZIPnames) As Long ' Real zipping action
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

Private uZipNumber As Integer
Private uZipMessage As String
Private uZipInfo As String
Private uVBSkip As Integer
Public msOutput As String

' Puts a function pointer in a structure
Function FnPtr(ByVal lp As Long) As Long
FnPtr = lp
End Function

' Callback for zip32.dll
Function DLLPrnt(ByRef fname As CBChar, ByVal x As Long) As Long
Dim s0$, xx As Long
Dim sVbZipInf As String

' always put this in callback routines!
On Error Resume Next
s0 = ""
For xx = 0 To x
If = 0 Then xx = 99999 Else s0 = s0 + Chr(
Next xx

Debug.Print sVbZipInf & s0
msOutput = msOutput & s0

sVbZipInf = ""

DLLPrnt = 0

End Function

' Callback for Zip32.dll ?
Function DllServ(ByRef fname As CBChar, ByVal x As Long) As Long

Dim s0 As String
Dim xx As Long

On Error Resume Next

s0 = ""

For xx = 0 To x - 1
If = 0 Then Exit For
s0 = s0 & Chr$(

DllServ = 0
End Function

' Callback for zip32.dll
Function DllPass(ByRef s1 As Byte, x As Long, _
ByRef s2 As Byte, _
ByRef s3 As Byte) As Long

' always put this in callback routines!
On Error Resume Next
' not supported - always return 1
DllPass = 1
End Function

' Callback for zip32.dll
Function DllComm(ByRef s1 As CBChar) As CBChar

' always put this in callback routines!
On Error Resume Next
' not supported always return \0 = vbNullString
DllComm = s1
End Function

'Main Subroutine
Public Function VBZip(argc As Integer, zipname As String, _
mynames As ZIPnames, junk As Integer, _
recurse As Integer, updat As Integer, _
freshen As Integer, basename As String, _
Optional Encrypt As Integer = 0, _
Optional IncludeSystem As Integer = 0, _
Optional IgnoreDirectoryEntries As Integer = 0, _
Optional Verbose As Integer = 0, _
Optional Quiet As Integer = 0, _
Optional CRLFtoLF As Integer = 0, _
Optional LFtoCRLF As Integer = 0, _
Optional Grow As Integer = 0, _
Optional Force As Integer = 0, _
Optional iMove As Integer = 0, _
Optional DeleteEntries As Integer = 0) As Long

Dim hmem As Long, xx As Integer
Dim retcode As Long

On Error Resume Next ' nothing will go wrong :)

msOutput = ""

' Set address of callback functions
MYUSER.DLLPrnt = FnPtr(AddressOf DLLPrnt)
MYUSER.DLLCOMMENT = FnPtr(AddressOf DllComm)
MYUSER.DLLSERVICE = 0& ' not coded yet :)
' retcode = ZpInit(MYUSER)

' Set zip options
MYOPT.fSuffix = 0 ' include suffixes (not yet implemented)
MYOPT.fEncrypt = Encrypt ' 1 if encryption wanted
MYOPT.fSystem = IncludeSystem ' 1 to include system/hidden files
MYOPT.fVolume = 0 ' 1 if storing volume label
MYOPT.fExtra = 0 ' 1 if including extra attributes
MYOPT.fNoDirEntries = IgnoreDirectoryEntries ' 1 if ignoring directory entries
MYOPT.fExcludeDate = 0 ' 1 if excluding files earlier than a specified date
MYOPT.fIncludeDate = 0 ' 1 if including files earlier than a specified date
MYOPT.fVerbose = Verbose ' 1 if full messages wanted
MYOPT.fQuiet = Quiet ' 1 if minimum messages wanted
MYOPT.fCRLF_LF = CRLFtoLF ' 1 if translate CR/LF to LF
MYOPT.fLF_CRLF = LFtoCRLF ' 1 if translate LF to CR/LF
MYOPT.fJunkDir = junk ' 1 if junking directory names
MYOPT.fRecurse = recurse ' 1 if recursing into subdirectories
MYOPT.fGrow = Grow ' 1 if allow appending to zip file
MYOPT.fForce = Force ' 1 if making entries using DOS names
MYOPT.fMove = iMove ' 1 if deleting files added or updated
MYOPT.fDeleteEntries = DeleteEntries ' 1 if files passed have to be deleted
MYOPT.fUpdate = updat ' 1 if updating zip file--overwrite only if newer
MYOPT.fFreshen = freshen ' 1 if freshening zip file--overwrite only
MYOPT.fJunkSFX = 0 ' 1 if junking sfx prefix
MYOPT.fLatestTime = 0 ' 1 if setting zip file time to time of latest file in archive
MYOPT.fComment = 0 ' 1 if putting comment in zip file
MYOPT.fOffsets = 0 ' 1 if updating archive offsets for sfx Files
MYOPT.fPrivilege = 0 ' 1 if not saving privelages
MYOPT.fEncryption = 0 'Read only property!
MYOPT.fRepair = 0 ' 1=> fix archive, 2=> try harder to fix
MYOPT.flevel = 0 ' compression level - should be 0!!! = vbNullString ' "12/31/79"? US Date?
MYOPT.szRootDir = UCase$(basename)

retcode = ZpInit(MYUSER)
' Set options
retcode = ZpSetOptions(MYOPT)

' ZCL not needed in VB
' MYZCL.argc = 2
' MYZCL.filename = "c:\wiz\"
' MYZCL.fileArray = MYNAMES

' Go for it!

retcode = ZpArchive(argc, zipname, mynames)

VBZip = retcode
End Function

'-- Callback For UNZIP32.DLL - Receive Message Function
Public Sub UZReceiveDLLMessage(ByVal ucsize As Long, _
ByVal csiz As Long, _
ByVal cfactor As Integer, _
ByVal mo As Integer, _
ByVal dy As Integer, _
ByVal yr As Integer, _
ByVal hh As Integer, _
ByVal mm As Integer, _
ByVal c As Byte, ByRef fname As UNZIPCBCh, _
ByRef meth As UNZIPCBCh, ByVal crc As Long, _
ByVal fCrypt As Byte)

Dim s0 As String
Dim xx As Long
Dim strout As String * 80

'-- Always Put This In Callback Routines!
On Error Resume Next

'-- This Is Where The Received Messages Are
'-- Printed Out And Displayed.
'-- You Can Modify Below!

strout = Space(80)

'-- For Zip Message Printing
If uZipNumber = 0 Then
Mid(strout, 1, 50) = "Filename:"
Mid(strout, 53, 4) = "Size"
Mid(strout, 62, 4) = "Date"
Mid(strout, 71, 4) = "Time"
uZipMessage = strout & vbNewLine
strout = Space(80)
End If

s0 = ""

'-- Do Not Change This For Next!!!
For xx = 0 To 255
If = 0 Then Exit For
s0 = s0 & Chr(

'-- Assign Zip Information For Printing
Mid(strout, 1, 50) = Mid(s0, 1, 50)
Mid(strout, 51, 7) = Right(" " & Str(ucsize), 7)
Mid(strout, 60, 3) = Right("0" & Trim(Str(mo)), 2) & "/"
Mid(strout, 63, 3) = Right("0" & Trim(Str(dy)), 2) & "/"
Mid(strout, 66, 2) = Right("0" & Trim(Str(yr)), 2)
Mid(strout, 70, 3) = Right(Str(hh), 2) & ":"
Mid(strout, 73, 2) = Right("0" & Trim(Str(mm)), 2)

' Mid(strout, 75, 2) = Right(" " & Str(cfactor), 2)
' Mid(strout, 78, 8) = Right(" " & Str(csiz), 8)
' s0 = ""
' For xx = 0 To 255
' If = 0 Then exit for
' s0 = s0 & Chr(
' Next xx

'-- Do Not Modify Below!!!
uZipMessage = uZipMessage & strout & vbNewLine
uZipNumber = uZipNumber + 1

End Sub

'-- Callback For UNZIP32.DLL - Print Message Function
Public Function UZDLLPrnt(ByRef fname As UNZIPCBChar, ByVal x As Long) As Long

Dim s0 As String
Dim xx As Long

'-- Always Put This In Callback Routines!
On Error Resume Next

s0 = ""

'-- Gets The UNZIP32.DLL Message For Displaying.
For xx = 0 To x - 1
If = 0 Then Exit For
s0 = s0 & Chr(

'-- Assign Zip Information
If Mid$(s0, 1, 1) = vbLf Then s0 = vbNewLine ' **** UNIX :)
uZipInfo = uZipInfo & s0

msOutput = uZipInfo

UZDLLPrnt = 0

End Function

'-- Callback For UNZIP32.DLL - DLL Service Function
Public Function UZDLLServ(ByRef mname As UNZIPCBChar, ByVal x As Long) As Long

Dim s0 As String
Dim xx As Long

'-- Always Put This In Callback Routines!
On Error Resume Next

s0 = ""
'-- Get Zip32.DLL Message For processing
For xx = 0 To x - 1
If = 0 Then Exit For
s0 = s0 + Chr(
' At this point, s0 contains the message passed from the DLL
' It is up to the developer to code something useful here :)
UZDLLServ = 0 ' Setting this to 1 will abort the zip!

End Function

'-- Callback For UNZIP32.DLL - Password Function
Public Function UZDLLPass(ByRef p As UNZIPCBCh, _
ByVal n As Long, ByRef m As UNZIPCBCh, _
ByRef Name As UNZIPCBCh) As Integer

Dim prompt As String
Dim xx As Integer
Dim szpassword As String

'-- Always Put This In Callback Routines!
On Error Resume Next

UZDLLPass = 1

If uVBSkip = 1 Then Exit Function

'-- Get The Zip File Password
szpassword = InputBox("Please Enter The Password!")

'-- No Password So Exit The Function
If szpassword = "" Then
uVBSkip = 1
Exit Function
End If

'-- Zip File Password So Process It
For xx = 0 To 255
If = 0 Then
Exit For
prompt = prompt & Chr(
End If

For xx = 0 To n - 1 = 0

For xx = 0 To Len(szpassword) - 1 = Asc(Mid(szpassword, xx + 1, 1))
Next = Chr(0) ' Put Null Terminator For C

UZDLLPass = 0

End Function

'-- Callback For UNZIP32.DLL - Report Function To Overwrite Files.
'-- This Function Will Display A MsgBox Asking The User
'-- If They Would Like To Overwrite The Files.
Public Function UZDLLRep(ByRef fname As UNZIPCBChar) As Long

Dim s0 As String
Dim xx As Long

'-- Always Put This In Callback Routines!
On Error Resume Next

UZDLLRep = 100 ' 100 = Do Not Overwrite - Keep Asking User
s0 = ""

For xx = 0 To 255
If = 0 Then xx = 99999 Else s0 = s0 & Chr(

'-- This Is The MsgBox Code
xx = MsgBox("Overwrite " & s0 & "?", vbExclamation & vbYesNoCancel, _
"VBUnZip32 - File Already Exists!")

If xx = vbNo Then Exit Function

If xx = vbCancel Then
UZDLLRep = 104 ' 104 = Overwrite None
Exit Function
End If

UZDLLRep = 102 ' 102 = Overwrite 103 = Overwrite All

End Function

'-- ASCIIZ To String Function
Public Function szTrim(szString As String) As String

Dim pos As Integer
Dim ln As Integer

pos = InStr(szString, Chr(0))
ln = Len(szString)

Select Case pos
Case Is > 1
szTrim = Trim(Left(szString, pos - 1))
Case 1
szTrim = ""
Case Else
szTrim = Trim(szString)
End Select

End Function

Public Function VBUnzip(ByRef sZipFileName, ByRef sUnzipDirectory As String, _
ByRef iExtractNewer As Integer, _
ByRef iSpaceUnderScore As Integer, _
ByRef iPromptOverwrite As Integer, _
ByRef iQuiet As Integer, _
ByRef iWriteStdOut As Integer, _
ByRef iTestZip As Integer, _
ByRef iExtractList As Integer, _
ByRef iExtractOnlyNewer As Integer, _
ByRef iDisplayComment As Integer, _
ByRef iHonorDirectories As Integer, _
ByRef iOverwriteFiles As Integer, _
ByRef iConvertCR_CRLF As Integer, _
ByRef iVerbose As Integer, _
ByRef iCaseSensitivty As Integer, _
ByRef iPrivilege As Integer) As Long

On Error GoTo vbErrorHandler

Dim lRet As Long

Dim uExcludeNames As UNZIPnames
Dim uZipNames As UNZIPnames

msOutput = ""

uExcludeNames.uzFiles(0) = vbNullString
uZipNames.uzFiles(0) = vbNullString

uZipNumber = 0
uZipMessage = vbNullString
uZipInfo = vbNullString
uVBSkip = 0

.ExtractOnlyNewer = iExtractOnlyNewer
.SpaceToUnderScore = iSpaceUnderScore
.PromptToOverwrite = iPromptOverwrite
.fQuiet = iQuiet
.ncflag = iWriteStdOut
.ntflag = iTestZip
.nvflag = iExtractList
.nUflag = iExtractNewer
.nzflag = iDisplayComment
.ndflag = iHonorDirectories
.noflag = iOverwriteFiles
.naflag = iConvertCR_CRLF
.nZIflag = iVerbose
.C_flag = iCaseSensitivty
.fPrivilege = iPrivilege
.Zip = sZipFileName
.ExtractDir = sUnzipDirectory
End With

.UZDLLPrnt = FnPtr(AddressOf UZDLLPrnt)
.UZDLLMESSAGE = FnPtr(AddressOf UZReceiveDLLMessage)
End With

.structlen = Len(UZVER)
.beta = Space$(9) & vbNullChar
.date = Space$(19) & vbNullChar
.zlib = Space$(9) & vbNullChar
End With

UzpVersion2 UZVER

lRet = Wiz_SingleEntryUnzip(0, uZipNames, 0, uExcludeNames, UZDCL, UZUSER)
VBUnzip = lRet

Exit Function

Err.Raise Err.Number, "CodeModule::VBUnzip", Err.Description

End Function
Upvote 0
Wow! thats some piece of code there! But alas, it expects zip32.dll to exist in the system (or perhaps System32) directory and it does not (my machine anyway). Heck, go here %SysDir%\zip32.dll - Dangerous and you're told the DLL is spyware!

Regardless, the DLL I'm referring to is zipfldr.dll... So this solution won't work for me:(
Upvote 0
Thanks Cal.

Regardless of the viral status, I intended to try the code but because the DLL was not on my machine... gave up... gave up because my users want a standard out-of-the-box solution based on a standard XP install.

They DO NOT want to install anything else.

The DLL is COM based and I'm looking for a solution in C# or VB.NET that uses interop to make it go... will let you know what I find:)
Upvote 0
well, not exactly... I tried o reference the DLL in VS.NET and was told that it was not a valid assembly or COM component.

Oh well:)
Upvote 0
Could you not replace the reference to the zip32.dll. to the zipfldr.dll you want to use?

Not sure, but will try this later today, as it's a kewl idea

Presuming the functions called are in the zipfldr.dll, that are referred to in zip32.dll
Upvote 0
Your not going to believe how frigg'n easy this is.
Basically, you create a folder of type ZIP then copy a file to it and during the copy, it compresses!

Sub NewZip(sPath)
'Create empty Zip File
Dim oFSO, arrHex, sBin, i, Zip
  Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  arrHex = Array(80, 75, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0, _
                 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
  For i = 0 To UBound(arrHex)
    sBin = sBin & Chr(arrHex(i))
  With oFSO.CreateTextFile(sPath, True)
      .Write sBin
  End With
End Sub

Sub Zip_File()
Dim oApp As Object

  NewZip ("c:\temp\")
  Set oApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

  oApp.Namespace("c:\temp\").CopyHere ("c:\temp\TEST.xls")

  Set oApp = Nothing
End Sub
Upvote 0
Bill, that code you posted is absolutely perfect, but what I am having a problem doing is getting the files back out of the zip. Do you or anyone else any idea how to do that?
Upvote 0

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