Excel Tips

Use Real Times »

July 6, 2022

How does Excel deal with time?

Coerce an Array of Dates from 2 Dates »

July 5, 2022

I have a start date in A and an end date in B. I need to see how many days between those two dates fell on Friday the 13th.

Calculate Age in Years, Months, Days »

July 4, 2022

I work in Human Resources. On our employee census, I need to calculate age in years and months.

Calculate Work Days for a Farmers Market »

July 1, 2022

Those new settings in NETWORKDAYS.INTL don’t help me. Our business is only open Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.

Calculate Work Days »

June 30, 2022

We have a big project due on April 15. I need to figure out how many work days until the project is due.

Find the Last Sunday Of the Month »

June 29, 2022

I have a column of dates. I need to post-date those dates to the last Sunday of the month. Or, I need to pre-date those to the first Monday of the month. Or, pre-date the date to the previous Monday, but only if today isn’t already a Monday. Or, post-date to the next Friday, but only if today isn’t a Friday.

NOW, or TODAY? »

June 28, 2022

Why did you use TODAY() in the previous topic. Isn’t this the same as NOW()?

Calculate Receivable Aging »

June 27, 2022

I have a worksheet showing open invoices. I want to calculate how many days old each unpaid invoice is.

Calculate Invoice Due Dates »

June 24, 2022

I have a spreadsheet of payables. I need to sort by Due Date, but all I have is invoice date and terms.