Excel 2020: Change the Calculation in a Pivot Table

May 07, 2020 - by

Change the Calculation in a Pivot Table. Photo Credit: NordWood Themes at Unsplash.com

Pivot tables offer a myriad of calculations in the Field Settings dialog box. Here is a faster way to change a calculation:

  1. Drag Revenue to the Values area twice.
  2. Double-click on the heading Sum of Revenue2. Excel opens the Value Field Settings dialog.

  1. Click on Show Values As and select % of Column Total from the dropdown.
  2. Type a new name in the Custom Name field, such as % of Total.
This pivot table has Revenue twice in the Values area. The second column of revenue is called Sum of Revenue2 in cell C3. Double-click that heading to open the Value Field Settings dialog. Type a custom name % of Total. On the Show Values As tab, choose % of Column Total

Thanks to Александр Воробьев for suggesting this tip.

Title Photo: NordWood Themes at Unsplash.com

This article is an excerpt from MrExcel 2020 - Seeing Excel Clearly.