Excel 2020: Speed Up VLOOKUP

October 26, 2020 - by

Speed Up VLOOKUP. Photo Credit: Alex Eckermann at Unsplash.com

VLOOKUP is a relatively expensive function. When you are looking for an exact match, Excel has to look through the lookup table one row at a time. 

Previous editions of MrExcel LX – The Holy Grail of Excel Tips demonstrated a Charles Williams formula to make VLOOKUP faster. Starting in 2018, Office 365 includes a re-engineered VLOOKUP that is as fast as the Charles Williams trick.

=IF(VLOOKUP(A2,Table,1)=A2,VLOOKUP(A2,Table,1),"Not Found")

Title Photo: Alex Eckermann at Unsplash.com

This article is an excerpt from MrExcel 2020 - Seeing Excel Clearly.