Excel 2013 VBA
September 2014

A Complete Course in Excel 2013
The "Excel 2013 VBA" CD-ROM is not only an excellent learning tool to master VBA, but also a gold mine for very powerful and useful macros.
Buy Now »- 1200 Slides
- Publisher: Holy Macro! Books
The CD-ROM has more than 1200 PowerPoint slides that guide you through the learning process. In addition, it comes with Excel files for you to work on as well as files that have the VBA code all done.

Contents Table of CD
Part 1: Basic Essentials
- Object Oriented
- Recording Macros
- Branch Statements
- Interaction
- Variables (Value Type)
- Variables (Object Type)
- Collections
- Loop Statements
- Variables as Arguments
- Pivot Tables and Charts
Part 2: Formulas and Arrays
- Dates and Calendars
- The Current-Region
- Property WorksheetFunction
- Property Formula
- Property FormulaR1C1
- Custom Functions
- Array Functions
- 1D- and 2D-Arrays
- Customized Arrays
- Variant Arrays
Part 3: Buttons, Forms, and more
- Importing and Exporting
- Buttons, Bars, Menus
- Application Events
- User Forms
- Data Entry + Mail Merge
- Custom Classes
- Class Collections
- Error Handling
- Distributing VBA code
- VBA Monitoring VBA

About the Author
Dr. Gerard Verschuuren Dr. Gerard M. Verschuuren is a Microsoft Certified Professional specialized in VB, VBA, and VB.NET. He is the author of many textbooks and has more than 20 years of experience in teaching at colleges and corporations. He holds master's degrees in Biology and in Philosophy, plus a Doctorate in the Philosophy of Science from Universities in Europe. He is author of VBScript 2013, Excel 2007 VBA and Excel 2007 Expert.