I'm looking for some help. I started trying to use excel for this project yesterday.
I originally scripted a batch file to run this operation.
The batch works in a small and limited environment.
I tried the batch in a live folder and it was a complete failure with files being multiplied and moved into random folders.
My goal is to move 50+ new .pdf files created everyday using the first 7 digits and an accompanying space to match my Projects folder working structure.
all .pdf will start with a 7 digit number followed by a space between each date and name, the folder structure is set up using the 7 digit naming but has info about the project.
file example; 1234567 4-17-2021 name hr code.pdf Folder example; 1234567 projectName Date with a subfolder of service reports, the service report folder within the main project folder will house all incoming .pdfs'
The code below works, but will only work when the folder has only 7 digits. As soon as I rename the folder to match the naming scheme of the actual folder layout excel freezes and then crashes.
Any and all help will be appreciated.
I originally scripted a batch file to run this operation.
The batch works in a small and limited environment.
I tried the batch in a live folder and it was a complete failure with files being multiplied and moved into random folders.
My goal is to move 50+ new .pdf files created everyday using the first 7 digits and an accompanying space to match my Projects folder working structure.
all .pdf will start with a 7 digit number followed by a space between each date and name, the folder structure is set up using the 7 digit naming but has info about the project.
file example; 1234567 4-17-2021 name hr code.pdf Folder example; 1234567 projectName Date with a subfolder of service reports, the service report folder within the main project folder will house all incoming .pdfs'
The code below works, but will only work when the folder has only 7 digits. As soon as I rename the folder to match the naming scheme of the actual folder layout excel freezes and then crashes.
Any and all help will be appreciated.
VBA Code:
[COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]Sub MoveFiles()
Dim fName As String, fromPath As String, toPath As String, Cnt As Long
On Error Resume Next
toPath = "C:\Users\RyZeNx\Desktop\wip\"
fromPath = "C:\Users\RyZeNx\Desktop\test\"
If Cnt > 1 Then Exit Sub
fName = Dir(fromPath & "*.pdf")
Do While Len(fName) > 4
If Cnt > 1 Then Exit Sub
Cnt = 0
toSubPath = toPath & Left(fName, 7) & "\Service Reports\"
If Len(Dir(toSubPath, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then MkDir toSubPath
Name (fromPath & fName) As (toSubPath & fName)
fName = Dir
Cnt = Cnt + 1
GoTo Restart
End Sub[/COLOR]