I've written a multi-dimensional Array to String, but need HELP to reverse it!


Board Regular
Mar 22, 2013
I made a function that will convert almost anything to a string, including a multi-dimensional array!

Debug.Print fStr(array(1 to 2, 1 to 2)) '>>> (("11","21"),("21","12"))

ReDim arr(1 To 2, 1 To 3) As Variant
arr(1, 1) = "11" & Chr(13)
arr(2, 1) = 21
arr(1, 2) = Array(Null, 1)
arr(2, 2) = True
Set arr(1, 3) = ActiveCell
Set arr(2, 3) = Nothing
Debug.Print fStr(arr) '>>> (("11[13]",21),((Null,1),True),(Sheet1!A1,Nothing))

Now I want to reverse it, but I can't find a way to Dim or Redim a multi-dimensional array that could have 1 up to 6000 dimensions!
The amount of "(" at the beginning of the string tells how many dimensions, but I don't want to add 6000 lines with each line having a Redim with one more dimension!:confused:

So how can I use a variable as the Redim multi-dimensional parameter ???

So I need to find a solution that looks like this:
d="1 to 2, 1 to 3"
Redim arr(d)

or like this:
fReDim "1 to 2", "1 to 3"
Sub fReDim (ParamArray d() As string)
Redim arr(d())
end Sub

Any help appreciated, thank you.


Oh yeah, for those that are looking for a function that converts anything to a string...
Private Sub test_fStr(Optional oMissing)
    Dim emptyArr() As Variant, dim3Arr(0, 2, 1)
    Dim arr() As Variant
    ReDim arr(1 To 2, 1 To 3, 1 To 2)
    For i3 = 1 To UBound(arr, 3) [COLOR=#00A000]'''filling array[/COLOR]
        For i2 = 1 To UBound(arr, 2)
            For i1 = 1 To UBound(arr, 1)
                arr(i1, i2, i3) = Val(i1 & i2 & i3)
    Debug.Print fStr(arr)               [COLOR=#00A000]'''=(((111,211),(121,221),(131,231)),((112,212),(122,222),(132,232)))[/COLOR]
    Debug.Print fStr(arr, , " ", "")    [COLOR=#00A000]'''=111 211 121 221 131 231 112 212 122 222 132 232[/COLOR]

    ReDim arr(1 To 2, 1 To 3) As Variant
    arr(1, 1) = "11" & Chr(13)
    arr(2, 1) = 21
    arr(1, 2) = Array(Null, 1)
    arr(2, 2) = True
    Set arr(1, 3) = ActiveCell
    Set arr(2, 3) = Nothing
    Debug.Print fStr(arr)               [COLOR=#00A000]'''=(("11[13]",21),((Null,1),True),(Sheet1!A1,Nothing))[/COLOR]

    Debug.Print fStr(Array(1, "x""y""z", 2))                [COLOR=#00A000]'''(1,"2",Nothing,Empty,Null,True,[Sheet1!B16])[/COLOR]
    Debug.Print fStr(Array(1, "2", , , True, ActiveCell))   [COLOR=#00A000]'''(1,"2",Nothing,Empty,Null,True,[Sheet1!B16])[/COLOR]
    Debug.Print fStr(emptyArr)                          [COLOR=#00A000]'''=(Unallocated)[/COLOR]
    Debug.Print fStr(oMissing)                          [COLOR=#00A000]'''=Missing[/COLOR]
    Debug.Print fStr(Nothing)                           [COLOR=#00A000]'''=Nothing[/COLOR]
    Debug.Print fStr(Empty)                             [COLOR=#00A000]'''=Empty[/COLOR]
    Debug.Print fStr(Null)                              [COLOR=#00A000]'''=Null[/COLOR]
    Debug.Print fStr(ActiveCell)                        [COLOR=#00A000]'''=Sheet1!$A$1[/COLOR]
    Debug.Print fStr(ActiveSheet)                       [COLOR=#00A000]'''=Sheet1[/COLOR]
    Debug.Print fStr(ActiveWorkbook)                    [COLOR=#00A000]'''=filename.xlsm[/COLOR]
    Debug.Print fStr(ActiveWindow)                      [COLOR=#00A000]'''=filename.xlsm[/COLOR]
    Debug.Print fStr(Application)                       [COLOR=#00A000]'''=Microsoft Excel[/COLOR]
    Debug.Print fStr(True)                              [COLOR=#00A000]'''=True[/COLOR]
    Debug.Print fStr(123)                               [COLOR=#00A000]'''=123[/COLOR]
    Debug.Print fStr("123")                             [COLOR=#00A000]'''="123"[/COLOR]
    Debug.Print fStr("123", False)                      [COLOR=#00A000]'''=123[/COLOR]
    Debug.Print fStr("")                                [COLOR=#00A000]'''=""[/COLOR]
    Debug.Print fStr("x" & Chr(13) & "x")               [COLOR=#00A000]'''="x[13]x"[/COLOR]
    Debug.Print fStr("x" & Chr(13) & "x", , , , "<>")   [COLOR=#00A000]'''="x<13>x"[/COLOR]
End Sub
Function fStr(xAnything, Optional bAddQuotes = True, Optional vDelimiter = ",", Optional vMarkers = "()", Optional vAscII = "[]") As String [COLOR=#00A000]'''24/08/2013, michel(dot)be(a)gmail....[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#00A000]'''Converts almost anything to a string,[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#00A000]'''including (multi-dimensional and/or multi-level) arrays using delimiters and markers for backwards compatibility.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#00A000]'''Can be used to debug.print or compare anything without errors.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#00A000]'''Can return string, "string", 123, [asc], False, True, Empty, Missing, Nothing, Null, object-name, object-address, ((*,*),(*,*)) ...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#00A000]'''     bAddQuotes  True to add Quotes around strings, do distinguish strings with numbers or anything else[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#00A000]'''     vDelimiter  Use the character or string between every data in the array[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#00A000]'''     vMarkers    Use left and right character around arrays and every dimensioned group in them[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#00A000]'''     vAscII      Change special characters in [asc-code] as [13] = enter[/COLOR]
Dim vTemp As String, dimMarker() As String, i As Integer, xData As Variant
    If isMissing(xAnything) Then [COLOR=#00A000]'''would otherwise return Error 448[/COLOR]
        fStr = "Missing"
    ElseIf isNothing(xAnything) Then
        fStr = "Nothing"
    ElseIf IsObject(xAnything) Then
        On Error Resume Next
            fStr = xAnything.Caption                                                   [COLOR=#00A000]'''maybe a window[/COLOR]
            fStr = xAnything.Name                                                      [COLOR=#00A000]'''maybe a sheet or a workbook[/COLOR]
            fStr = xAnything.Parent.Name & "!" & Replace(xAnything.Address, "$", "")   [COLOR=#00A000]'''maybe a range[/COLOR]
        On Error GoTo 0
    ElseIf IsArray(xAnything) Then [COLOR=#00A000]'''array(1 to 2, 1 to 2)  >>>  ((11,21),(21,12))[/COLOR]
        If Not isAllocated(xAnything) Then
            fStr = "(Unallocated)"
            vTemp = Chr(1) [COLOR=#00A000]'''first create vMarkers using Chr(1) to replace later with data from the array[/COLOR]
            For i = 1 To fArrDimNum(xAnything) [COLOR=#00A000]'''for every existing dimension duplicate the needed delimiters within vMarkers[/COLOR]
                vTemp = Left(vMarkers, 1) & fRepeatStr(vTemp, fArrDimSize(xAnything, i), vDelimiter) & Right(vMarkers, 1)
            dimMarker = Split(vTemp, Chr(1)) [COLOR=#00A000]'''split vMarkers in an single array with enough elements to hold the data from the multi-dimensional array[/COLOR]
            i = 0
            For Each xData In xAnything [COLOR=#00A000]'''loop through all data in the array: (1,1,1), (2,1,1), (1,2,1), (2,2,1), (1,1,2), (2,1,2), ...[/COLOR]
                If IsArray(xData) Then x = fStr(xData) [COLOR=#00A000]'''array in array found[/COLOR]
                fStr = fStr & dimMarker(i) & fStr(xData, bAddQuotes) [COLOR=#00A000]'''adds the vDelimiter en vMarkers between the data converted to text[/COLOR]
                i = i + 1
            fStr = fStr & dimMarker(i) [COLOR=#00A000]'''add the last marker[/COLOR]
        End If
    ElseIf IsEmpty(xAnything) Then
        fStr = "Empty"
    ElseIf IsNull(xAnything) Then [COLOR=#00A000]'''would otherwise return real Null, not "Null"[/COLOR]
        fStr = "Null"
    ElseIf isBoolean(xAnything) Then
        fStr = xAnything
    ElseIf isNumber(xAnything) Then
        fStr = xAnything
    Else [COLOR=#00A000]'''string[/COLOR]
        For i = 1 To Len(xAnything)
            vChr = Mid(xAnything, i, 1)
            vASC = Asc(vChr)
            If vAscII <> "" And (InStr(" 127 129 141 143 144 152 157 ", " " & vASC & " ") Or vASC < 32) Then
                fStr = fStr & Left(vAscII, 1) & vASC & Right(vAscII, 1)
                fStr = fStr & vChr
            End If
        If bAddQuotes Then fStr = Chr(34) & Replace(fStr, Chr(34), Chr(34) & Chr(34)) & Chr(34)
    End If
End Function

[COLOR=#00A000]'''***************************** some included functions ******************************************[/COLOR]

Function fRepeatStr(vString, iTimes, Optional vDelimiter = "") As String [COLOR=#00A000]'''21/08/2013, michel(dot)be(a)gmail....[/COLOR]
    For i = 1 To Int(Abs(Val(iTimes)))
        fRepeatStr = fRepeatStr & addDelimiter & vString
        addDelimiter = vDelimiter
    Next i
End Function

Function fArrDimNum(xThis) As Integer [COLOR=#00A000]'''23/08/2013, michel(dot)be(a)gmail....[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#00A000]'''Returns amount of dimensions in an array, 0 for not allocated array and -1 if not a array[/COLOR]
Dim numDim As Integer
    If isAllocated(xThis) Then
        On Error GoTo endDim
        For numDim = 1 To 6000 [COLOR=#00A000]'''VBA arrays can have up to 60000[/COLOR]
            temp = UBound(xThis, numDim)
    ElseIf IsArray(xThis) Then
        numDim = 1
    End If
    fArrDimNum = numDim - 1
End Function
Function fArrDimSize(xThis, Optional iRank = 1) As Integer [COLOR=#00A000]'''23/08/2013, michel(dot)be(a)gmail....[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#00A000]'''Returns the size of 1 dimension in an array[/COLOR]
    fArrDimSize = fUBound(xThis, iRank) - fLBound(xThis, iRank) + 1
End Function

Function fUBound(xArray, Optional iRank = 1) As Integer  [COLOR=#00A000]'''23/08/2013, michel(dot)be(a)gmail....[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#00A000]'''Same af build-in UBound() but without errors on unallocated arrays[/COLOR]
    If isAllocated(xArray, iRank) Then
        fUBound = UBound(xArray, iRank)
        fUBound = -1
    End If
End Function
Function fLBound(xArray, Optional iRank = 1) As Integer  [COLOR=#00A000]'''23/08/2013, michel(dot)be(a)gmail....[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#00A000]'''Same af build-in LBound() but without errors on unallocated arrays[/COLOR]
    If isAllocated(xArray, iRank) Then
        fLBound = LBound(xArray, iRank)
        fLBound = 0
    End If
End Function

[COLOR=#00A000]'''In the same line as IsEmpty, IsMissing, ...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#00A000]'''remark: function-name starts with a lower-case "i" to show it is not standard VBA[/COLOR]
Function isAllocated(xThis, Optional iRank = 1) As Boolean    [COLOR=#00A000]'''07/06/2013, michel(dot)be(a)gmail....[/COLOR]
    If IsArray(xThis) Then
        On Error Resume Next
        isAllocated = LBound(xThis, iRank) <= UBound(xThis, iRank)
    End If
End Function
Function isBoolean(xThis) As Boolean  [COLOR=#00A000]'''07/06/2013, michel(dot)be(a)gmail....[/COLOR]
    If TypeName(xThis) = "Boolean" Then
        isBoolean = True
    End If
End Function
Function isNumber(xThis) As Boolean  [COLOR=#00A000]'''07/06/2013, michel(dot)be(a)gmail....[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#00A000]'''Because IsNumeric can be Empty, Null, Range, Boolean and in a string !!![/COLOR]
    If "Decimal Double Integer Long LongLong Short SByte Single" Like "*" & TypeName(xThis) & "*" Then
        isNumber = True
    End If
End Function
Function isNothing(xThis) As Boolean  [COLOR=#00A000]'''07/06/2013, michel(dot)be(a)gmail....[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#00A000]'''To be able to use  "If isNothing(x) Then..." instead of "If x Is Nothing Then..."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#00A000]'''Which is even better, because it doesn't return an error when x isn't an object.[/COLOR]
    If TypeName(xThis) = "Nothing" Then
        isNothing = True
    End If
End Function

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How to change case of text in Excel?
Use =UPPER() for upper case, =LOWER() for lower case, and =PROPER() for proper case. PROPER won't capitalize second c in Mccartney

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