I found this code from a book and I don't know how to place it in VBA to correctly run it. Nothing is wrong with this code but I don't know how to use it in VBA.
I am very much familiar with using VBA and MACRO Modules, dont know how to handle this Private Sub Solve1_click().
I put the code 3 macros and it gives me this error "Sub or Function not defined !!!"
Please tell me in detail where to place this code and how to properly run it.
I am very much familiar with using VBA and MACRO Modules, dont know how to handle this Private Sub Solve1_click().
I put the code 3 macros and it gives me this error "Sub or Function not defined !!!"
Please tell me in detail where to place this code and how to properly run it.
Private Sub Solve1_Click()
Dim x() As Double
Dim bl() As Double
Dim bu() As Double
Dim g() As Double
'Input the initial values and bounds from the spreadshee
For i = 0 To n - 1
x(i) = Cells(8, 2 + i).Value ' Initial values for X variables
bl(i) = Cells(2, 2 + i).Value ' Lower bounds for X variables
bu(i) = Cells(3, 2 + i).Value ' Upper bounds for X variable
Next i
objname = "my_objfun"
full_objname = ActiveWorkbook.Name & "!" & objname
'Set the name of the print function
OPTIM1.printfun_funname "printit"
'Set the objective function name
OPTIM1.objfun_funname full_objname
'Call the optimizer
OPTIM1.optimize n, nclin, ncnlin, a(0), tda, g(0), x(0), bl(0), bu(0)
objfun_value = OPTIM1.objf 'Get the value of the objective function
'Output the X variable values for the optimal solution
For i = 0 To n + 1
Cells(10, 2 + i).Value = x(i)
Next i
Cells(11, 2).Value = objfun_value ' Output the optimal value of the objective function
End Sub
Sub my_objfun(num_variables As Long)
'The objective function — any valid Visual Basic code is allowed
objective_value = x(0) * x(3) * (x(0) + x(1) + x(2)) + x(2)
End Sub
Sub printit(n As Long, it_maj_prt As Long, sol_prt As Long, maj As Long, mnr As Long, step As Double, nfun As Long, merit As Double, violtn As Double, norm_gz As Double, cond_hz As Double, x_ptr As Long)
'The user-defined print function. The user can decide the format in which any of
'the twelve arguments to printit are to be output.
Dim xp() As Double
ReDim xp(n)
If (it_maj_prt) Then 'A major iteration
.Cells(Row, 1).Value = maj 'The major iteration count
.Cells(Row, 2).Value = mnr ' The number of minor iterations of the QP subproblem
.Cells(Row, 3).Value = Format(step, "0.00E þ00") 'The step length along the
'search Direction
For i = 0 To n + 1 'Output the current X variable values
.Cells(Row, 4 + i).Value = Format(xp(i), "##.00")
Next i
'Output the value of the augmented Lagrangian merit function at the current point.
End Sub