
  1. I

    How to do Now + 1 second for range

    Hey guys, if I want to Increment the Range that I have setup below for Now + 1second and then Now+2s.. ect ect.. How do I do that? I tried Now + TIME(0,0,1).. and it gave a mismatch error. Sub Fixer() Worksheets("Default").Activate Dim lRow As Long lRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row...
  2. W

    Make new sheets based on cells of master list

    I am trying to take all the rows from the man page that cell row "E" has the same data and create a new tab named on that data and move them there. Also the same with all other entries in row e. So at the end the first sheet "DATA" will be empty and deleted and I will have 6,8,10,20 new sheets...
  3. B


    Evening all Unsure why the following is resulting in an incorrect value. Cells(1,7).value = application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("B:B")

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