
  1. C

    How to: button with cell value from another sheet

    Hello everyone.... it has been a while since I have posted. important note: CONSIDER ME A BEGINNER I have created a workbook that I am going to use as a template. The first worksheet has 30 buttons on it and I have already set them up to go to each of the 30 worksheets. What I want to do for...
  2. E

    How to display the picture in cell based on the formula value

    Hi All, Am using if function to display the name based on some criteria, Now I want to display the same picture in each cell based on the cell value. am trying this more than one month...Can any one please help me on the below... the actual cell is 420. Thanks in advance. Raja...
  3. J

    Create Bipmap in Excel

    I need to create characters for a printer. I have heard of Excel applications that can create bitmap images for a number of sizes such as 1x9, 2x9, ... 10x9 image size. I was hoping that some one can point me to this application so hat I can create right and left print ASCII characters for a...
  4. K

    Paste range as bitmap and send Outlook email

    Hi everyone, I've seen a few threads around the internet about this, but none of them seems to quite solve the issue. As I don't have much VBA experience, was hoping someone here might be able to help! As this is a task I have to repeat many time per day, I'm hoping that the code would: 1)...
  5. S

    Counting the number of white pixels in a Bitmap image

    Hi, I’m wondering if it’s possible – using VBA in Excel 2013 on Windows 7 – to open a bitmap image and count the number of white pixels contained in it? Searching the forum I found this old thread which appears to be asking a similar question. There was a promising reply but the OP didn’t...
  6. M

    2013 Excel VBA Email as bitmap

    Good Afternoon, I am trying to use VBA to copy the visible cells into an email and insert that information into the body of the email as a bitmap. The code I am using currently is great for just pasting the data into the email but I need it converted to bitmap as some of the email recipients...
  7. K

    Bitmap Paste in Outlook Body

    Hi Guys, Can anyone help in getting this code for Excel VBA (Macro) I am trying to write a code which select a particular range in Excel sheets and Paste it into Outlook body in Bitmap Format, I have a lot it in Google, but cannot find a proper code, the one i got is to convert it into html...
  8. T

    Bitmap link will update in XL2007, but not in XL2010

    (I'm a bit of a beginner in writing macros - only started to learn it to prepare myself to be humiliated in the ModelOff competition :D so I hope this isn't too silly a question.. but anyway) I inserted some bitmap images in my spreadsheet and I wanted to use macros to change the image...
  9. J

    Pasting multiple ranges as Bitmaps into Word + Editing them

    Hi excel masters, I'm very new to VBA (this is my first post) and I'm trying to write a complicated code that will select a varying number of 32 row x 8 column boxes and paste them into a new word document as bitmap images, one on each page. I'm also trying to format each bitmap picture with a...
  10. D

    Excel to PowerPoint vba Oddities

    Hello, Below is my code. It takes a range with a few charts in excel, copies it, and pastes it into powerpoint starting with the 2nd slide (first and last are predefined header slides). If you run this code straight through, it gives an error on "ShapeRange (unknown member) : Invalid...
  11. L

    How to import an Excel range into Word mail merge docs using Office 2003

    I am currently producing reports for hundreds of individuals using mail merge to modify fields such as name, ID#, and locations for each report. I then go in to each document to paste an excel range as a bitmap that is specific to each individual/report. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =...

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