charts vba

  1. M

    dynamic chart using data in rows seperately

    I have a list created by reading data every 5 seconds (6 inputs at a time). I want these rows of data put on a chart one by one. I've done this for a short list using the record mode as I don't know a thing about VBA. however, the list contains over 500 rows of data. so loop would be solution...
  2. S

    Making Minimum and Maximum Values on Axis in chart Dynamic

    Hi, I have a stacked bar chart which is in essence a Gantt chart. I want it to work on multiple projects however for this to happen I need the Minimum values dynamic. I got the below code from another forum yet it keeps producing the following error Run Time Error -2147467259 (80004005)'...
  3. S

    Vba code

    HI Team , I have past and present trend data in percentage for various state and on different parameter . I want to represent the data in graph format so its easy to understand . Can any body help me regarding this issue .
  4. F

    Creating charts in vba throwing error

    Sub TestMod() Dim cht As Object Set cht = Sheets("Jan_2018").ChartObjects.Add(Left:=300, Width:=400, Top:=300, Height:=300) With cht .Chart.Type = xl3DColumnClustered .Chart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Jan_2018").Range("$A$2:$D$2,$A$4:$D$6") End With End Sub I keep...
  5. P

    Copy and paste charts via VBA not working

    Hi, Can someone help me work out why my code keeps failing? I have a sheet called Individual and this has 20 graphs on the page, each one named in order from Chart 1 to Chart 20. On a separate tab, named Chart Select, there are four drop down boxes for the user to select up to 4 charts from...
  6. M

    Exporting several charts as images creates several empty files

    Hello Guys. I'm trying to loop through all the charts in a sheet, then save it to PNG and then attach it in a email. Technically, it works. However, most of the time the charts generate an empty file after generating a working one. And sometimes, it just generates two charts without any order...
  7. J

    Method AxisGroup failing before scrolling through worksheet

    Very odd problem here. I'm using some basic VBA to update a few charts based on the user's drop down selection. Everything works as intended, so long as you don't try to change your selection upon loading the file right away. If you scroll through the various charts, and then back up to choose a...
  8. L

    Multiple Chart objects on one sheet

    Hello, I would like to program two charts on a single sheet. The charts will be deleted and recreated when a button is pressed. (I need two charts to be visible at the same time). My code was working fine with a single chart object but when I added an additional chart: the chart type, title...
  9. S

    Copy/Paste Multiple Bubble Charts from Excel to PPT

    Hi, I have an excel workbook with many different tabs and in each tab there are many different bubble charts and each bubble chart covers many cells not just one. I need a macro that will copy/paste all the charts into PowerPoint. Please help! Thank you!
  10. F

    copy chart to powerpoint

    Hi, I want to copy chart from excel to powerpoint and paste as image: [code] Dim wb As Workbook Dim ws2 As Worksheet Set wb = ActiveWorkbook Set ws2 = wb.Worksheets("C2") Dim newPowerPoint As PowerPoint.Application Dim activeSlide As PowerPoint.Slide Set newPowerPoint = New...
  11. F

    create new charts based on defined names list

    Hi, I have two list: M1_LIST = values (like 1, 5, 6 etc) Country_all_list = values names (Audi, BMW etc) Now I'm creating chart: Dim charts_1 As ChartObject Set charts_1 = sCountry.ChartObjects.Add(Left:=300, Top:=175, Width:=400, Height:=300) With charts_1 .Chart.ChartType =...
  12. N

    Set Source Data for Chart on different sheet

    Hi there, I am very new to VBA. I have written the following code Sub Series1() Sheets("Charts").Activate ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 3").Activate ActiveChart.PlotArea.Select ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Raw Data").Range("Y16:Y266") End Sub When I had the...
  13. O

    VBA to export all charts as PNG / GIF / JPG files

    Hi all, I was wondering if someone knows how to do the following, or can refer to an implementation of such a thing. I have an excel file with many sheets and charts scattered in the various sheets. I'd like to export all charts to a folder as image files. I'd like the file names to be...
  14. M

    Fixing chart colours - help needed

    I have a pivot based Stacked Bar Chart that I need to fix the colours so that a supplier is alway the same colour in the chart. A copy of the sheet can be found here. I found ideas here...
  15. K

    Identifying individual charts in VBA

    I have a macro I wrote to modify the the axes of a single selected chart (Chartaxis). There are 16 charts in total in this page, and I would like to be able to run a macro that will update the axes of all charts in one go. I tried using the recorder to select the chart and run the Chartaxis...
  16. M

    2003 macros/charts not working in 2007

    Hi - I have a workbook of macros written in 2003 version byut they keep hanging up in 2007 version...apparently in the Chart Type row withih VBA code. Hoping someone can help me here. Code (sorry it is so long) is pasted below. Error received on line: ActiveChart.ApplyCustomType...
  17. C

    Chart formatting loop (Font Name) VBA

    Hey everyone, I am trying to find resources on here (unsuccessfully) to write a VBA loop that will go through each chart on each sheet of a workbook and change the font of all labels, series, chart titles etc. I am having trouble understanding how to write such a loop. I have tried using the...
  18. B

    User Defined Chart Declaration VBA

    After much searching i managed to find a list of ways to declare in VBA the type of chart you like, eg. xlCylinderBarClustered, xlXYScatterLines, xlLineStacked, xlPie etc, how though do i declare my user defined charts? or is there also a way that you can play with the formatting of the chart...

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