
  1. J

    Altering .Value of combobox when using arrays

    Good Afternoon, I am using the following code from Locke-Garmin to automatically populate textboxs: Code: ...which works perfectly. I am using the userform to send an email with the information now input from the code above and would like it to send the value of combobox1 as part of the...
  2. A

    userform filling combobox with cell values

    I am working with a userform and trying to load a combobox with values upon initialization. Below is the code i am trying to use which is just supposed to reference a sheet containing the values I want to use. The below code keeps giving me the error: "Run-time error '1004' Application-defined...
  3. A

    Retrieving Combobox Value

    I'm working on a userform with a combobox styled as a drop down combo. I am filling this combobox with values upon UserForm_Initialize. I want the user to be able to make a selection from the dropdown or enter their own value. The problem I am having is when a user enters their own value I am...
  4. N

    Combobox to populate another combobox

    Hi i have 3 comboboxes and want the last to to read a different Worksheet dependent on what the input is in the first combobox is this possible and if so how is it done ?? the code i have so far is: Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim Site As Range Dim Location As Range Dim Printer_Type As...
  5. M

    retrieve and edit data from a combobox

    I've created a combobox and filled the data with values from a named range, called "Kunden_mit_Adresse". Here is my code: 'Set reference to the range of data to be filled Set rngSourceKunde = Worksheets("Kunden").Range("Kunden_mit_Adresse") 'Fill the listbox Set lbtarget =...
  6. J

    combobox question

    Hello- I have a form where I am going to put a combobox. I want the user to be able to either choose one of the drop down menu items, or type in something not on the list. I was looking at the properties of the combobox and it seems like the combobox.text and combobox.value both contain the...

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