copy and past

  1. M

    Copy data from excel and paste into Notepad/Notepad++

    Hi there, I have data in column A on a sheet named "IM Sample". i want to take the data here and copy it into a new notepad/notepad++ file. I then wish to save the file in a specified folder and a specified name. Location C:\Users\XXXXX\Documents\ File Name - test_File.req Is this possible...
  2. X

    Help fixing a code

    Hey mr excel i'm atm working on this code: If Sheets("Counting").Range(i, "R").Value = Sheets("Overview 2014-4").Range("Q1").Value Then Sheets("Counting").Range("S:W").Row.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Overview 2014-4").Cells(Rows.Count, "Q").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) End If First part...
  3. M

    Macro to copy and paste stuff...and more

    Hi all, I need help coding some stuffs in Excel 2013 I have a table set up for monthly salary info input. My boss wants it to be copied and moved down the sheet for every new month. At the same time, I need to delete the non-fixed content, so that the table can be available for a new money...
  4. E

    copy range and paste on next row that date match

    what i would like to do is copy a range of data "B185:AA185" and cell "b185" has a "date/value" and paste range "B185:AA185" to the right on new page the new page would have "dates/values" going down the side of sheet and if "b185" match then paste row "C185:AA185" i would like to have the...
  5. D

    VBA - Copying a subset of rows within a Range of filtered data

    Hi, I know that the answer to this is simple, but I can't find the answer!! I have the following code: Dim rng As Range Set rng = ActiveSheet.AutoFilter.Range rng.Copy _ Destination:=Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1") This copies ALL of the filtered Rows into a separate worksheet. What I...

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