copy between workbooks

  1. A

    VBA Paste Special Values & Formats Between Workbooks (No Selecting or Activating)

    Hi all, I have a macro that is doing exactly what I want, however, I've become aware that Activating and Selecting is bad practice, and I want to do this right. I believe this section is also causing screen flicker and a 'disappearing' userform when calling this from my userform. I'm...
  2. W

    Code doesn't work when switching tabs

    Hello, I have VBA code which copies information from one spreadsheet to another. The original spreadsheet has many tabs, and when I use the code in it's current form, it throws this error when I try to copy over the columns from a tab that's different to the one that the spreadsheet opens on...
  3. T

    Copying Range From Specific Sheets into Different Specific Sheets in Another Workbook with Nested For Next

    First Time Post Here. I have two Workbooks one with daily data for the Month and one with shift data for the Month. Each of these workbooks has summation tabs at the beginning and end of the workbook. The ranges are not the same in the workbooks and there are twice as many sheets to copy to. The...
  4. S

    Copy sheets to the last sheet on another workbook

    Hi guys, I want the macro to loop through the workbook and copy sheets that have "Income" in A5, the selection part works. Each sheet that has "Income" should be copied to the last sheet in the "CCActuals" workbook. I am getting error an 1004. Anybody have an ideas? Have tried many...
  5. J

    Copy Particular Cells of Data from an Open Worksheet to a Closed Worksheet in a different WorkBook

    Hi all, I have searched the forums for an answer to this, but everyone wants to see to copy data from a closed workbook to an open one, not the other way around! I don't know if the last 2 links on will help with what I need, so I better...
  6. R

    Copy from workbook to workbook wlth VBA

    I need help copying from 1 workbook to another. I want this code to read cell C1 for the wokbook name to open and then copy a list of cells from sheet 1 into the same cells sheet 1 in a different workbook identified by C5. Thanks for your help, Robert
  7. N

    Simple copy worksheet not working...

    I am receiving an error "Subscript out of range" when trying to copy a worksheet from one workbook to another. The workbooks are selected by the user. I then want to copy the worksheet from workbook #2 and place it at the end of the worksheet in workbook #1. Below is my code with the offending...
  8. S

    VBA Lookup Value Copy, Paste Values between two workbooks

    HELP!!! I have a standard template worksheet called "Input" (the workbooks name is "Input Capture") which spans C12:U1100. In addition I have a seperate worksheet which is based in an all entirely seperate workbook called "People Data" (the workbooks name is "Succession Planning") which...
  9. B

    VBA - copying from one workbook to another

    Hi everyone, I'm hoping you can help me with this. I've written some code to help me automate some repetitive processes. there are two macros in particular that I need working, one copies data from workbook1, goes to workbook2, inserts a row and pastes the data to the new row, then saves...
  10. N

    Copy specific cells from multiple worksheets in multiple workbooks into a new workbook

    Hello, i want to extract specific cells from specific worksheets in multiple workbooks into a new "master" workbook. Each workbook has the same template, thus each cell is in the same place in the different workbooks. E.g. I want to copy cells nr. D39, L34 and C16 from worksheet "Detaljplan"...
  11. S

    Copying ranges from three worksheets in each workbook to master

    Hello, I'm new to VBA and am reading "VBA and Macros for MS Office Excel 2007" and "Excel with VBA & .Net" but do not as yet know how to tackle the following: I have numerous workbooks in a directory that I want to combine into a master workbook but why I am posting is because I haven't read a...
  12. N

    VB Code to open all files in a directory, copy, paste, close.

    Hi, I'm working in a school and have managed to create a excel test template that allows my students to enter their answers and then marks their results saving their answers as a new workbook for each student. This has worked fine and it saves into a specific folder and names each file...
  13. E

    Copy Paste macro

    Hi all I have several individual sheets which are populated with data by the users during the week. This data needs to be collated into a single sheet on a weekly basis. I would like to have a macro perfrom this task. I have attempted to record a macro for this task and perhaps amend it...
  14. W

    Copy data between w/sheets and insert new line

    Hiya, I have a time sheet database (Excel 2000) that calculates Time In Leiu (TIL) and sends the info to a specific TIL tab for each employee. I need to be able to have the "Staff 1 Hours" worksheet automatically populate a second worksheet ("Staff 1 TIL") with the "week ending date" and the...

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