copy macro

  1. J

    MACRO Help: FIND and COPY Specific contact information from another sheet?

    I'm trying to grab the data from the "Results" tab, which contains data in rows, and put it in Sheet1 in columns. The data will ALWAYS be in [Results] Column A, but the catch is that the row number that contains the data isn't always the same.Data goes from here: <tbody> A A A 1 preferred...
  2. M

    Copy macro's to another file

    Dear all, For the first time I programmed a macro using VBA. It makes a new workbook with 2 worksheets of the current workbook. Inside those two sheets are buttons. If I send the file to my colleagues nobody can use the macro's because it will not copy the macro's into the new file. Can...
  3. L

    Copy Macros from Personal Macro Workbook to new Workbook

    I need to copy several macros from the Personal Macro workbook to a new workbook that I need to take to another computer. I need to be able to run the macros on that computer. I can only record macros and make minor changes in the VB editor. I do not know VB code. Can anyone help. Thank you?
  4. W

    Help with copy macro module when mailing sheet

    I need help with the code below. My macro copies a sheet from a masterworkbook and sends a copy of each sheet for the respective disciplines to complete. I added a userform to make their work easier, but the macro/module doesn't go with the new sheet. Can someone look at this code and help me...

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