countifs calc wrong

  1. Q

    Excel not counting values correctly with the COUNTIFS function

    The problem that I am having with the countifs function is that the function is seemingly counting less than it should. Each function has the same syntax, expressions, and operators in it, so there should be a great deal of variability that seems improbable Furthermore, Each function is counting...
  2. 1


    All, Something simple i'm sure... but i can't figure it out- I'm trying to sum one column based on the date found in another column. In other words only $ values in column J if the date found in column A is in the month of december. This is the where I am at...
  3. M

    Countifs not counting correctly

    Hi, I have a spreadsheet which I'm using for audit action tracking, I have a formula in place to calculate how many days overdue actions are which appears to be working fine returning results as "x Over Due" I'm trying to create a simple pie chart on a separate tab to show how many are within...
  4. K

    COUNTIFS alternative

    Hello everyone, I have the following issue I'm hoping you can help me with: I am trying to count the number of occurrences with 2 criteria: =COUNTIFS(B:B,"Birmingham",C:C,"PASSED") <tbody> AL001 Birmingham AL001 CV AL001 PHY PASSED AL001 No AL001 Vendor AL002 Birmingham PASSED...
  5. D

    COUNTIFS return 0

    Hi, I have an Excel sheet where I have unique numbers on col A, dates on col B, and numbers ($) on col D. I want to count where month is june (col B) and <=$100 on col D. I am using =COUNTIFS($B$3:$B$300, (MONTH($B$3:$B$300)=6), $D$3:$D$300, "<=100") but the formula returns 0 where I must...
  6. R

    count with multiple ifs

    Hi All, I am at work and trying to finish this off hope someone can help.. I have a countif on another tab with 'status' pass, fail, pending, de-scoped columns. There are numerous of testing days in which it counts the results (maximum being '1' for each status).. I am trying to capture this...
  7. docjackson33


    I need to count a list of rank, and using the countifs seemed the proficient way, however I cant get it to work. Here's the formula I currently have, but it keeps returning a zero. I've tried the insert function but to no avail. =COUNTIFS($E:$E,"PVT",$E:$E, "PV2",$E:$E, "PFC",$E:$E...
  8. G

    Countifs formula return wrong values

    Hi, I am using the Countifs function to count the number of times a customer (using their account number in the formula) has made a transaction in any given week. My formula looks like this (for purchases): =COUNTIFS('15-Aug-2010'!$C$3:$C$9072,'SMS...

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