date conversion

  1. deletedalien

    European dates to Us dates

    Hi all. i searched the board and i found how to convert dates (which didn't work for me) and there is lots of info on how to convert dates, BUT the data that im receiving is DUMB because im getting MIXED data and excel can read SOME of it but not all of it... and its SUPER anoying... is there a...
  2. E

    Formula to convert into a valid date and time

    Hi Everyone, I have following dates that in excel column L and i need to convert all into a valid date and time format? <tbody> December 10, 2017 at 8:29:55 PM GMT January 30, 2018 at 7:37:48 AM GMT January 4, 2018 at 9:02:29 AM GMT February 8, 2018 at 12:02:29 AM GMT March 5, 2018 at...
  3. R

    Access 2013 Query Question - Convert Date Value to YYYY-MM Format in Query Results

    Hi. I use MS Access 2013. I have a table the includes a date field. The format is Date/Time and dates are displayed in the field as mm/dd/yyyy (e.g. 01/31/2015) I want to be able to query on this field, but I want the query to return the YYYY-MM value for each date. For example, for date...
  4. C

    Date Conversion

    I have a column of imported data that represents dates. An example of the data follows: 10812 which is supposed to be the date August 1, 2012 50812 which is supposed to be the date August 5, 2012 250812 which is supposed to be the date August 25, 2012 Please note that there are not any leading...
  5. M

    Inconsistant Date Conversion

    Good Afternoon All, First off, I am new to post to the forum, however I have been utilizing your recommendations for years, and I would like to thank you for teaching a n00b like me how to use VBA to solve tons of business issues. Here is one that I cannot find support for anywhere. I am...
  6. S

    Formatting of the dates

    month/date/year ----> yearmonthdate 05/15/2012 --> 20120515 4/1/12 --->20120401 6/03/12 ---> 20120603 07/05/2012 ---> 20120705 hello I am trying to convert some dates that can exist in multiple formats into a single representation the dates can exist in different forms as...
  7. L

    Formula to convert human-readable text strings into a consistent number of weeks from today's date?

    Hi there, is it possible to do the following with a formula in Excel... I have a list of users with the dates they first logged into a system and the date they last logged in. I'm trying to group them together into segments so I can analyse them using a Pivot table and chart to see how often...
  8. J

    Prevent Text/Numbers converting to Date

    Hi, I see many questions on numbers being formatted to dates, but I have a problem with alpha-numeric items converting to dates. I am importing data from a web page (*.htm,html) for excel 2003. The data I am importing is like JAN14. This changes to 14-Jan (with custom or general format) and if...
  9. B

    changuing Date format

    Need some help with this... There is an sales management system in the company I work for, from were I have to get a report and export it to excel to manipulate. This report shows dates in cells with in the format YYYYMMDD (example cell A1 = 20100611). I want to know if there is a formula or...
  10. I

    Excel does not recognize date when you type one???????

    Hello, I came across a spreadsheet that doesn’t recognize a date when you type one. It converts it to a formula. If I type 1/1/2010 Excel stores it as =1/1/2010 and therefore produce the result of the division, rather than a number (40179) that should represent a date (of course when the cell is...
  11. B

    Q: Date Range formatting and DATEVALUE

    Hello all, I am sad to say I'm at wits end on this one. I automate my spreadsheets as much as possible and this one seems simple yet keeps escaping me. I have two sheets, Sheet1 has a date range and the Sheet2 has a header that needs to display the range of dates from the first sheet (ie...
  12. J

    Converting Number String to a Date

    I have a need to change a number string into a date. The number will always be formated as such: DDD-YY-NNNNNN DDD represents the counted number of the day of the year ex: 025 is January 25th and 365 is December 31st. YY is the numerical year ex: 09 is 2009 and 10 is 2010 NNNNNN are extra...
  13. B

    Advanced Date Formatting

    Hi guys, I have a rather unique question. I have searched the forms, but no luck. Hopefully you all can help. I have a course schedule with start date in column A and end date in col B formatted as mm/dd/yyyy. I have written the following function to display them as a date range in column C...
  14. C

    Odd date behaviour

    I have an issue when transfering a date from one spreadsheet to another A UK format date is being changed to a US format date The date is passed within a varible declared as : Dim strExportDate As String This date is passed ByVal to another Sub routine and then then called and entered...
  15. M

    mix of date formats - converting to one

    Hi all, I have a spreadsheet that has a few different date formats in nearly 2000 rows in column A. I want to be able to somehow organise the sheet by date order. The date formats I have are: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss hh:mm Can anyone advise on the best way of sorting...
  16. P

    Intelligent Date Values

    A certain bank (OK, Chase) formats its downloadable .csv file line item dates as text, like this: 1) "20090309120000[0:GMT]" This example (1) translates as 2009 (year), 03 (month), 09 (day), 12:00 (hours:minutes), 00 (seconds) [0:GMT] (Greenwich Mean Time). Using "Text to Columns", this...

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