
  1. J

    flash fill vba for excel 2010

    I am currently using Microsoft Office Professional Plus 201. Flash fill came along in 2013. Is ther a vba to do the things that flash fill does (both adding pattin and splitting out without concatenate and text to columns)? Thanks.
  2. M

    VBA Code to flash text

    Hello does any one know if it possible to have text flash for say 15 seconds to tell the user of an error. I have an if statement in cell c2 with an error message and if the error messages appears I would like the message to flash for say 15 seconds. Thank you if any one can help
  3. H

    help with Label on userform

    Hey i got some Labels on my userform labels read value for cell's and that part works fine and if no value still ok but if cell text is "FALSE" then my Labels show that " and I didn want it to do that.. this i the code i have on my userform https://ibb.co/9ncB5q4 Private Sub...
  4. G

    Flash Report

    Good afternoon, Excel gods. I got another question. I have a little under 700 items that I receive bi-weekly price changes. I have set it up as pictured. Is there any way to print a flash report showing only price changes? Like shown in the second image. Thank you so much for your assistance.
  5. L

    flash fill 2 or more columns at same time

    Hi I want to use Flash fill to separate street number from street name. I know how to do it column by column. For example I type 1000 in b1 and the Ctrl+E and that will Flash Fill all the column. I can do the same thing with column C. I type main street then Ctrl+E My question can I fill both of...
  6. Y

    need help with commabd button

    Dear :- please i need some help from you in vba excel in active sheet ( not user form ) i have to 2 command button ( activex control ) i need to make command button2 flash continuously when i click on the other command button 1 but not using for i to x number and when i click the command button2...
  7. B

    Formula To Flash Fill Goofy Pattern

    Hey All, Wondering if you can assist. I'm trying to have Excel flash fill a pattern (similar to a alphanumeric serial number), but due to the patterns construction, Excel cannot identify and fill. Is there a good function or VBA code to use to have Excel continue the pattern? The pattern...
  8. F

    Converting a text date to numnerical date

    Hi guys I have data that come in the following format 12-Oct-2017, how can I change this date to become 12/10/2017 Thanks Flash <colgroup><col width="239" style="width: 179pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 8740;"> <tbody> </tbody>
  9. T

    countdown timer that flashes/blinks

    Hi All, In VBA, I want to create a button where cell 1B will countdown from 12 hours. Once it counts down to 00:00, I want cell A1 to start flashing/ blinking. I want it to continue flashing until I press a button called "stop". Could you folks point me in the right directions? Thank you much...
  10. T

    countdown timer that flashes/blinks

    Hi All, In VBA, I want to create a button where it cell 1B will countdown from 12 hours. Once it counts down to 00:00, I want cell A1 to start flashing/ blinking. I want it to continue flashing until I press a button called "stop". Could you folks point me in the right directions? Thank you...
  11. E

    Excel 2013 ScreenUpdating Multiple Workbooks

    We are noticing an odd behavior with Application.ScreenUpdating in Excel 2013 as it pertains to multiple workbook scenarios. With Application.ScreenUpdating = False, performing actions on other non-active workbooks causes Excel to "focus" the target workbook resulting in a momentary screen...
  12. J

    Flash/Blink Cell Color Based on Live Changing Values while Keeping Background Color of the Cell the same.

    I have this excel document with a Finansu Add-in that pulls live stock feeds from Google Finance. As of now, if the % change is negative overall then the cell is red and if it is positive it is green. I want to find a way to make it so if the stock changed from 1% down to .5% down the cell will...
  13. A

    Can Excel Display iFrames?

    Hi Everyone! I am looking for a way to get excel to display a DFA iFrame tag on worksheet as if it were showing flash. I know that you can embed flash directly but I need a way to call in the swf from DFA, append the iFrame URL with cpq values, and have it display in the worksheet. Any idea if...
  14. E

    Extracting Data from a Flash-based table to Excel

    I am interested in downloading data from a website and having it automatically update in excel - I have tried a web query but it doesn't recognize the table. Here is the website: https://www.midwestiso.org/RTD/ExPostLMPTable/ExPostLMPTable.html Please help!
  15. S

    Flash videos cause Excel 2010 to crash but work fine in 2003 and 2007

    Hello, I've got a file that works just fine in Excel 2003 and 2007, but won't open in 2010. It's got a series of flash videos (via YouTube) embedded (about 10) and when Excel 2010 opens the file, it just hangs, and the status bar at the bottom says "Contacting the server for information. Press...

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