freeform shape

  1. MarkSELA

    Trouble deleting only freeform shapes in excel chart using VBA and not the chart.

    With help from I've put together a sub which shades under two excel scatter plots using freeform shapes and filling the shapes. The sub then copies the chart and the 2 associated shapes to be used in a word document. I would the sub to delete the shapes and leave the chart so that...
  2. P

    VBA to List of Cells Inside Area of Freeform Shape

    Hi I have hard time solving this: I have one Freeform Shape and I need to create VBA which will enlist all cells inside of this Freeform Shape. What is the best way to do it? Thank you very much Victor
  3. G

    Adding fillet radii to Created FreeForm Shapes

    I am trying to draw a cross section in Excel 2007 using VBA and node coordinates. I can draw the cross section using the build Freeform Shape Command and then use ConvertToShape. It looks great but retangular. I provide the corner node coordinates (X & Y) and a radius for that corner (0 if no...
  4. C

    Getting freeform shapes to change colour corresponding to values in cells

    Complicated one which is why I am struggling and cant seem to get other suggesstions on this topic to work. Situation I have a map of the UK split into 36 zones displayed by 36 freeform shapes on my worksheet. I have a list of 14 teams in a table next to the image to which the zones will be...
  5. K

    Invisible Map

    I created a workbook where one of the tabs is a map composed of seperate freeform shapes. When you click a state, it runs a filtering/copy-paste code which brings up a userform listing sales data for that state. My problem is that it was created using Excel 2010, I saved it as a 2003 xls. and...
  6. K

    Freeform Drawing not visible

    I have a project built in Excel 2010 but saved as a 2003 .xls. One tab contains several freeform shapes composing a map which when you click a state, it runs a specified Sub(). My customer is running Excel 2000 and the map is not visible when he opens the workbook. All other tabs and code run...
  7. P

    Freeforms in VBA

    I have tried the freeformbuilder example in Excel VBA 2007. It works fine, however the help file cannot be correct since it is redundant. Go to the FreeformBuilder.AddNodes Method and look at the Description on the right. According to MS help, when using the msoEditingCorner, X1 and Y1 are the...
  8. D

    Freeform Shape and Excel 2007

    My question is about freeform shapes in Excel 2007. When I create a freeform shape with a mouse I can link it to a cell so that it displays whatever text is entered in that cell. I can do that by simply selecting the shape, and typing e.g. = A1 in the formula window. However, I have not been...

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