hiding & unhiding rows

  1. N

    Hiding/showing rows between two values

    i am trying to hide rows in excel between a row with value "P1" in column B and a row with value "P2" also in column B. i have tried, to my own shame i used Chatgpt for a part but i am stuck now. a part of the code succeeded in hiding the rows, but i was not able to let them reapear when i...
  2. T

    How to trigger a macro using a value that's in another tab in the same workbook

    Hello all youVBA geniuses, Need some help with a doozy of a code here. I've got this pieceof script that hides rows in a tab called "Lab Tests_Plants". Youenter a number in cell D15 and it shows you the corresponding amount of rows.Cell E15 = "#" and E16 = "<=" to lay out parameters. Private...
  3. S

    Unhide/Hide a range of Rows on Another Worksheet Based on Cell Values

    Hello to anyone willing to help me, There's many threads on this but none that help my case (which might be simple but i'm not familiar enough with VBA to do it myself.) I want the Macro to Unhide Rows based on two different Cells in another worksheet. For example: Sheet 1 E41 = 1 Sheet 1...
  4. O

    Hiding rows based on cell value

    Hi, I have the following code but it's not working. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address = "$Z$31" Then Rows("37:44").Hidden = True If Target.Value < 1.2 Then Rows("37:44").Hidden = False End If End Sub Could someone please tell me why it's not working? As I...
  5. A

    Creating a Macro (Ctrl+) Button for Hiding/Unhiding Rows based on Specified Date

    Good Afternoon! In the Excel Spreadsheet that I'm using for work, we keep a list of reservations for students going out on clinicals. We put in dates they are reserved to go out to the site and we get tons and tons of reservations. I wanted to know how I could make a quick recorded Macro so...
  6. L

    Hiding rows in one sheet when changing dropdown value in another sheet

    Hello, I've read through a number of threads on how to hide rows in Excel via macros, but none of them seem to answer my specific situation. Hope you can help me: I have two sheets. Sheet 1 "Roadmap" shows in a grid when which newsletter is going to be sent. Sheet 2 "Mailings" lists all the...
  7. K

    Unhiding/Hiding Rows within VBA

    Hi, I found this piece of code from a reply by HalfAce (or MrExcel MVP). Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() Dim LstRw As Long, Rw As Long Application.ScreenUpdating = False '''Define LstRw as the last row in column F with data. LstRw = Cells(Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Row '''Un-hide all...
  8. M

    Auto hide columns and rows based on cell values. Protect Sheet.

    I have a sheet that needs to have columns hidden if the value in row 35 of the column is <0 and unhide the columns if isn't(The values in row 35 are calculated based on B8) If B8<2 then rows 64-97 need to be hidden as well and unhiden if not. I had code that worked at one point, but something...
  9. E

    locking specific cells that are hidden/shown based on VBA

    Hello! I am completely new to VBA, however am trying to learn as much as possible and could really do with some help here! I am having trouble with my VBA code, it hides groups of rows (projects) based on the contents of corresponding cells above. these have either 'yes' or 'no' in them...
  10. J

    Hiding rows based on drop down selection of cell

    First time poster here so I hope I do this correctly! Using Excel 2010 I am creating a form that will display different rows if certain selections are made. For example; cells B70-B72 are a drop down list with two options, '-' or 'sqrt'. If none equal the 'sqrt' symbol then I want to hide...
  11. W

    Speed up vba macro

    So, I'm trying to hide rows based on an N/A value and wrote the following code. For Each c In Sheets("Summary").Range("b5:b5000") If c.Value = "N/A" Then c.EntireRow.Hidden = True Next c However, its very slow and takes too much time. Do you have any ideas how I can speed up the process?
  12. S

    How to hide/unhide rows based upon cell value from another worksheet

    One sheet of my workbook is a master summary sheet where data is entered. Column A contains numbers that we use as a VLookup Reference key for other sheets in this workbook. Example: Master Summary Sheet 1 Bob 2 Fred 3 George 4 .... 105 Now, I want other sheets in this work book to only...

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