join cell values

  1. N

    VBA Transpose and Join Help

    Data is being pulled from SHEET1 and transposed and joined on SHEET2. Problem: Sheet1's column "E" is supposed to be at the top header row on SHEET2, but it is not working. Sub ReArrange() Dim a As Variant, b As Variant, cr As Variant Dim d As Object Dim i As Long, lr As Long...
  2. E

    join two different numbers to one

    how can i join the numbers of column A,B into D? I tried concat but it doesn't take the 0 in front of 1 and 2 (01,02). ABCD11127011127012112702112702
  3. D

    Partial matching to multiple cells

    Hello all, Please see the attached image below. I am having trouble with partial matching & joining together results. As you can see, I have recipes 1-5 in column B, with corresponding days of the week in column A beside them. The letters in column A correspond to days of the week. For...
  4. P

    Concatenate (join cell values) based on other cell values

    Dear all experts, I need help to move the range of input and output. In column B start No and column C end number. Based on first macro i am able to generate serial number with common prefix from columns K to AI. Similarly, column D start No and column E end number. Based on second macro i am...

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