label userform vba

  1. D

    Importing data from an excel table to populate a multi-purpose label template in word?

    Hi Folks, I have excel data---columns A and B---populated by 3 digit numbers <tbody> 278 192 148 112 168 325 279 261 306 38 292 259 135 654 </tbody> There are a few thousand lines of these numbers. I would like to import these numbers (one number per label in the same layout as...
  2. A

    How can I write a VBA code picking 2 option buttons!?? HELP please!

    Hello. I've got an userform that got two questions: 1) ... yes or no 2) option a or b or c i've got 6 possible combinations on 6 labels: yes + a or yes + b or yes+c...etc... and I want if I pick option button yes and option button a that appears the label that got: yes + a, and the other be...
  3. D

    Issue in Lables while Printing the Output

    Hi All, I need a your help on below issue. Value of Label 1 is 50 Value of Label 2 is 50.01 When i print the difference result in label 3 its showing as 9.99999999999801E-03 but it should print 0.01 Here is the code that i wrote. Code: Label3= Label2-Label1 Could you please help me how to...
  4. H

    easy code for multiple labels

    hello all, im writing code for a map of a hotel where i want users to be able to click a label and it shows the details of the room. im looking for an easy way to call a function based on the label value. something along the lines of Private Sub Label2_Click() Call rooms...
  5. K

    Make userform label visible when textbox is selected

    Hi, I am a newbie to VBA and have a userform question. I have a simple userform that contains a textbox and a label. How do I make the label visible only if the user selects the textbox (i.e. places the cursor in the textbox)? Thanks in advance for your help.
  6. H

    Ho to update a label from a userform within a macro in a different Workbook?

    Dear all, I am trying to do a simple thing, namely updating a label like: ProgressReport.Label12 = "Finished!" This works fine as long as it is called from a macro within the same workbook. When I am doing it from another workbook it get me an 424 Object required error, presumably...

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