last cell of sheet

  1. timstring

    Terminate Macro At Last Cell

    I need for my Macro to stop when it reaches the last cell. I know the last cell coordinates. I need something like: Loop Until ActiveCell.Offset(1, LastCol - 1) = **coordinates of last cell** How would I accomplish this? ty in advance
  2. E

    Find last cell in a sheet

    I'm sure this is subjective, but what is the best (ie. fastest operating) way to locate the last cell in a spreadsheet? I have a macro that needs to scan all the used cells in a sheet by creating a named range that covers all the used cells. Right now my code uses the Usedrange.Columns.Count...
  3. somnath_it2006

    Find for last value contain cell...

    Hi All, I want to find non-blank last cell of the sheet. I have a code but if there is any merge cell is there then its not working. lngLastRow = ObjWBTarget.Sheets(ObjWSTarget.Name).Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=[A1], SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row lngLastCol =...

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