
  1. M

    Power Query not loading data - Stalling

    Recently I have had both relatively small power queries (180 rows, 10 lines of M code) and larger (approx. 6000 rows, 25 lines of M code) stall at the load stage. It happened first with the larger query and I thought it had to do with the size of the query. But it has now happened with smaller...
  2. F

    Load Exported.UI file on Work book start up

    How would I go about Loading the Exported.UI file when loading the workbook and Reset it upon closing I have a workbook that I have customized the Ribbon using the "customize ribbon" option within Excel. I want the particular Ribbon customizations only for that workbook. thanks
  3. D

    Loading to Power Query but keep formulas in cells

    Book1BCDE1InvoiceDateAmountBooked2M012103219-Mar-19101.48BookedCoynesCell FormulasCellFormulaE2=IFNA(IF(MATCH("*"&B2&"*",'[22.07.2019 Consolidated.XLSX]Sheet2'!K:K,0)>0,"Booked","Not Booked"),"Not Booked") Hello, I would like to load this table into power query. When I go to Data ribbon ->...
  4. M

    Loading... message box

    I have a complex macro that takes several seconds to complete. It is activated by clicking the "Close & Save" command button in UserForm19. Due to the delay while the macro is working, I'd like to create a "Loading..." message that will let the user know that the macro has started and to...
  5. H

    Maximum concurrent event calculation

    Hello, I have a data set with over 60,000 lines of data per year. It contains the date and time an object was placed in a specific container and for how long it was in the container. The more objects that were simultaneously together in the container the greater the weight and loading on the...
  6. H

    Activating workbook from userform

    Hi I am loading a userform from workbook1 which contains code behind a command button to select another workbook (workbook2) and load it. I want the active workbook to be workbook1 but despite activating this workbook the active workbook remains workbook2 If after loading workbook2 I use...
  7. A

    timesheet formulas

    Hi All, Would someone be able to help me in designing a timesheet in excel, I do not know how to do the formulas for all the rules below. I guess to have seperate columns that splits the hours worked into the following categories and seperate columns for the rules? I appreciate this is a lot...
  8. T

    loading .net framework

    I have a workbook, which when OI open it, I see a temporary message: loading .net framework What is that for?
  9. A

    Image not loading based on Textbox value

    Hi, I create basic Userform. In that, I want to load image based on Combobox / TextBox value. But image is not loading. Please go through the below code and Help me. Private Sub cmbimg_Change() Me.TextBox1.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Me.cmbimg.Value, xRg, 2, False) End Sub...
  10. P

    Excel 2010 Power Query addin - connection only - unable to load

    Hi all - newbie to PQ here. I searched forum / google but couldn't find anything. I created a calendar table in a blank query & clicked "close & load" several times but it just continues to show "connection only". Any advice welcome on how to get this query to load so that I can set...
  11. B

    Adding loading effects into userform click event

    Is there a windows API call to use the windows 8 ( not sure if its used in other versions of windows) circular loading symbol that occurs when clicking on a file or copying, etc in a userform. I want to initiate this to show there is loading taking place in the userform event. Another idea was...
  12. M

    User Form timer

    I am a real beginner to VBA so bear with me... I have a workbook that changes data from a drop down menu, which then takes around 20 seconds to calculate. I have created a userform with a loading SWF file which i'd like to display for this duration. I can show the user form but when i try to...
  13. O

    Macro Loading Animation

    Hi! I have a macro that launches after a button is pressed. After the macro runs the relevant data is populated into a small range of cells. Right now it just kinda pops up after the macro runs. I wanted to see if I can write a macro that continually generates a random number in the first cell...
  14. I

    array loading

    Hi, Alternatives to Reduce Code Lines Sub Test() Dim arr ReDim arr(1 To 3, 1 To 2) arr(1, 1) = 10 arr(2, 1) = 5 arr(3, 1) = 4 arr(1, 2) = "a" arr(2, 2) = "k" arr(3, 2) = "n" End Sub
  15. K

    Infinite loading time when autofilling table?

    Hello everyone, I have an issue during the autofulfillment of a table, with the following code that triggers an infinite loading time, it reaches 100% and then loops again to 0%, it's really frustating. The columns only has about 2000 rows? With ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table2")...
  16. MrKowz

    Forum Loading Speed

    Is anyone else experiencing dramatically slower loading speeds on the forums since the update yesterday? It is taking a significantly longer time (upwards of 20-30 seconds) for any page to refresh or for a reply to post.
  17. K

    Loading embedded data issue with PowerPivot & Excel 2010

    I'm having a recurring issue with loading my embedded PowerPivot data in Excel 2010. Upon loading my workbook, which is a series of worksheets with PivotTables tied to embedded PowerPivot data, the workbook begins trying to read the data, only to end in an error message: "Embedded Analysis...
  18. H

    Help with a routine that saves a workbook

    I want to know how it is possible to have "an automated routine that will archive the workbook and will create a new workbook ready for entering the new data". So basically this code, (if that's the best method) "Save as" and enter a random name, perhaps a date as the file name. and open an...
  19. G

    tab delimited files and lsitboxes - not loading correctly.

    Hi guy's, I’ve got a mini user form that writes to a tab delimited file. I’ve been looking to then load this into a listbox (for future editing use) but the listbox doesn’t seem to see the information as separate columns, I have one piece of code that loads it all into the listbox but as if all...

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