multiple filter

  1. S

    Count of unique occurrences with multiple criteria/exceptions

    I need help finding the count of unique encounters for data similar to the example below. A unique encounter = unique ID at a unique location receiving a unique service on a unique date by a unique provider. I need to be able to filter and run unique encounter counts based on those variables...
  2. J

    Filter in place on a range of columns - Help!

    Hi All, Long time reader, first time poster... I have a report which has 14 columns. In one column there is a list of system names (often duplicates). What I need to do is show only one system name, depending on what data is in the other columns. Here's where it gets tricky. This is a...
  3. R

    Deleting rows based on multiple filter options

    Hi, I need to review a 400,000 row spreadsheet and remove all records where 5 columns are populated with data so I am only eft with records that are missing information. I haven't got the slightest clue how to go about this using VB. Any and all help very much appreciated
  4. S

    Pivot table select multiple selection page filters

    Hi, I'm sure this question must have been asked before but cant for the life of me find it on here (or anywhere!). I need to programatically edit pivot table filter values using vba. If I'm changing one value i have no problem but I cant work out how to use multiple values on the page filter...
  5. R

    Multiple Filter/Sort

    My plan is to develop a list and sort it using filter. So when sorted there would be a number of rows with columns of the same information (i.e. half a column of "Walmart"s). But the idea would be to sort the data with the "Walmart"s only after that, so another column would be organized without...

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