multiple if in one cell

  1. K

    Sliding Scale for Bonuses

    I'm using Excel 2010. I'm working on sales commissions & bonuses. The commission part is easy – just multiply the cell w/ the sales number times the commission rate (as an absolute reference). I'm stuck on our sliding scale for bonuses. For example: IF sales >=120,000, bonus =2.5% IF sales...
  2. L

    VLOOKUP question (with sample table)

    I tried to approach this problem using the =IF formula, but after some research decided that it might be easier to use VLOOKUP. Pretty much, I want the value in C4 to depend on both the "units" (B2) and the "fuel type" (B3) Sorry if the table is messy. I made this sheet with the assumption...
  3. I

    More IF statements

    Hey all, I have a problem, i need to put some if statements in a ref cell, but i have 10, and can only put 7, help!! i have: =IF(D3="SICK",C3,IF(D3="HOLS (all day)",C3,IF(D3="FLEX (all day)",C3,IF(D3="HOLS (am)",C3/2,IF(D3="HOLS (pm)",C3/2,IF(D3="FLEX (am)",C3/2,IF(D3="FLEX (pm)",C3/2,"...
  4. I

    3 IF Statements

    Hi all, Really simple one today, I need to know how to put 3 If statements in one formula I have to use: =IF(U:U="Supplier1",100,0) =IF(U:U="Supplier2",125,0) =IF(U:U="Supplier3",150,0) All 3 work seperately, but i need them in one cell, please help!
  5. B

    Multiple If Statements

    I want to create a formula that returns three possible results. Such as: Cell C4 can have a result of anywhere from 0 to 30. I want the adjacent cell, say D4, to return a value of 10 if cell C4 has a value between 20 and 30; return a value of 5 if cell C4 has a value between 10 and 19; and...
  6. T

    IF statements

    I was using an If statement, thought it was set up correctly but as I've been entering data it hasn't represented data like i wanted it to. It represents a grade scale for my classes where D7 is my final percentage...
  7. I

    Need Help with Multiple IF in One Cell

    I worked out a formula If A2 is "BUY" then it uses below formula =IF(ISBLANK(G2),"",IF(G2>F2,"Rocked",IF(AND(G2<=F2,G2>=E2),"Tgt Done",IF(AND(G2<E2,G2>C2),"Small Profit",IF(G2=C2,"Exit at Cost",IF(AND(G2<C2,G2>D2),"Exit in Loss",IF(G2<=D2,"SL Taken",""))))))) and IF A2 is "SELL" then it uses...

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