
  1. S

    Showing *** rather then characters when entering password

    Hi All, I use some code which I found here to unhide and unhide tabs which also requires a password, however I was wondering is there any way that when I enter the password it just shows up as ********** as it would in normal scenarios where you have a password as the below allows the letters...
  2. D

    VBA to require password to unhide all sheets

    I have the following code that's not working. It asks for the password and even provides the message if the incorrect password is entered. But it won't unhide the worksheets. The code is getting hung on ws.Visible = xlSheetVisible. What have I done incorrectly. Assistance is greatly...
  3. Nelson78

    VBA: navigating IE, problem in logging in

    Hello everybody. For one specific site, I've problem in logging in. When the macro runs, the id is correctly written in its field, the same for the password, but clikking the button the operation fails with the following alert as if nothing had written: All fields are mandatory...
  4. F

    VBA Code to login into a Website

    Hello, I am having problems logging into a Wells Fargo website. I've tried using codes from this forum but I cannot get my info to entered into the boxes. This is the website and the code i am using... Option Explicit Const MyUserID As String = "123701" Const MyUserName As String = "sdf12345"...

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