pivot tables vba

  1. B

    Eliminate Pivot table overlapping in VBA

    Although I've found a lot about finding overlapping pivot tables here, I haven't found a solution to my problem. I have a sheet with several pivot tables based on a large data base. I can't separate them enough to avoid overlapping, especially as the number of both columns and rows is variable...
  2. X

    Pivot Value Number Formatting

    Hi All, This has been a peeve of mine for years so I finally decided to do something about it. I use pivot tables all the time and have to manually change the formatting of each field because I usually have both units and revenue in the same pivot. (Each needs a different format) I've built the...
  3. F

    VBA - Pivot Tables - Populate Pivot with Changing column headers

    Hello/Thanks In Advance. I am trying to find a way to loop thru column headers so that I can use what is found in VBA code to sort into a Pivot Table. Column headers could be a number of Age combinations: <tbody> P 18-24 Boys P 25-54 Boys </tbody> For example, I want to take any column...
  4. P

    Collapse all pivot tables in workbook

    Hi, I've recorded a macro to collapse a pivot table in a workbook. " Range("B23").Select ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable6").PivotFields("Account no. & name Concat") _ .ShowDetail = False Range("B22").Select...
  5. T

    VBA Pivot Table cannot enable multiple selections

    Hello, I suspect this is a simple problem but for the life of me I don't know what is going wrong. I have a pivot table in another workbook, with cube source data. I get an error when trying to enable multiple selections.I got the Cube field names from recording a macro. If I manually enable...
  6. T

    Returning pivot table source data as string

    I am having a bizarre issue. What I am doing is copying a worksheet containing pivot tables from one workbook to another. Then I am changing the source data to link to the new workbook, to the same range as the original source but in the new book. My issue is that the original source data is...
  7. N

    Macros to undo pivot table connection with slicers

    Hi people, I have about 33 slicers, each with around 10 connections to different pivot tables. I'm pretty new to this VBA thing and I'm tasked to write a macros so that I can undo all these connections at the same time. To illustrate this a little clearer; if you were to right click any slicer...
  8. T

    Excel VBA PivotTables

    I have two workbooks. Workbook A: Contains my source data on multiple worksheets; data in the form of Pivot Tables. Workbook B: Contains multiple worksheets with empty charts. Goal: Use the data from various pivot tables (workbook a) to populate the corresponding data points (workbook b)...
  9. R

    VBA and Pivot Tables

    I'm trying to create a Pivot Table via VBA. The tool I'm using gives me a skeleton and I created the pivot code via the macro recorder. What I can't figur out is what other objects I need to define (and how) The first code is the skeleton, the second part is the excel macro. Sub...
  10. K

    Pivot Table Hidden after creating with VBA

    Hello, I hope you can help me with a Pivot Table created with VBA code pulled from "VBA and Macros for Excel 2007" book. My problem is that the table is created but does not displaying any values. If I select the pivot table and use the Pivot Table Tools menu and click on the +/- button...
  11. A

    Multi level grouping in pivot tables

    I've been working with this this for about 4 days so I thought I would share now that I solved it: I got a pivottable (I construct from VBA) Then I want to list data either in rows or groups of groups of groups (metagroups). (in this case row would be a "verification/sale id", a group would be...
  12. S

    Refreshes all pivot tables in VBA

    I have built a spreadsheet with 24 pivot tables. I trying to write a Macro that will refreshes the all of the pivot tables. I am doing them 1 at a time in VBA. But is there a refresh all command in VBA? Right now it is taking the PC too long. this is what i have so far...

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