range class

  1. D

    Unable to set the NumberFormat property of the Range class; Run-time error “1004”

    I have an excel workbook which downloads historical stocks price data. The VBA code has been working without any problems for at least couple of years. Today I get error message: Run-time error “1004” - Unable to set the NumberFormat property of the Range class part of VBA code as it follows...
  2. P

    Copying columns from one sheet to another - works for the 1st one but fails on the 2nd

    Hi, Can someone please help? As the titles says, I'm trying to copy columns from one sheet to a specific cell in another sheet. It works for the first one, but when it gets to the second I get the error "Copy method of range class failed". I searched in other threads for the same error but...
  3. R

    vba autofill / error range class

    Hello, Desperately in the need of the advise of the forum's experts. I have a code: Sub autofill() Workbooks(file_main).Worksheets("sheet1").Activate ActiveSheet.Range("R52").End(xlDown).Select ActiveSheet.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToLeft)).Select Selection.autofill...
  4. C

    Autofill Method of RangeClass Failed......ARGH!

    I'm getting an error on this line.... Range("O4").AutoFill Destination:=Range("O4:O" & lastrow), Type:=xlFillDefault This script was running fine until I added the standard Looping methodology that I've used before. Can't quite figure it out. Any help is appreciated.Sub XXXHoustonNewXXXX()'...
  5. C

    AutoFilter Method of Range Class Failed

    Hi There, I am having an issue with this Macro, basically it will work to a degree but then start to fail for some reason. I have checked some other posts relating to this and have made sure that the AutoFilter is off, and that seems to be along the right tracks but I will start getting the...
  6. A

    Select method of Range class failed

    Hello, I have this code in a form, which is designed to populate a combo box with all the values of non-empty rows in a given column. The problem with this is that a "Runtime Error: 1004 Select method of Range class failed" occurs ' set variables Dim wsSheet As Worksheet Dim rngNext As...

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