relative cell

  1. E

    (VBA) Having trouble assigning relative cells (from an InputBox) to variables in order to subtract them.

    Hello all! I'm running into an error at the 'Set aa' line: "Run-time error '5': Invalid procedure call or argument". What I'm trying to do is have the Month variable be used to find the corresponding cell in two separate sections of the worksheet (prior month "BU2:CG411" vs current month...
  2. F

    VBA Sum from a specific cell to a relative cell

    Hi All I am looking for a little bit of advice for a formula in VBA. I created a macro but while testing it i noticed that this line of code was not going to be correct for all situations. ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(RC[-10]:RC[-1])" I would like it to sum from B3 to RC[-1] but of course...
  3. G

    Paste Absolute value with VBA

    I am new to VBA, but I have been able to edit my recording enough to get what I want to this point. Here is what I have so far: ActiveCell.Offset(-12, 0).Select Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.Offset(0, 16)).Select Selection.Copy ActiveCell.Offset(12, 0).Select ActiveSheet.Paste...
  4. timstring

    select relative reference

    This is a really ignorant question, because I should know the simple answer. I need a command that causes a selection over a range of cells where the column varies from one sheet to another. Here's what I've tried: ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Range("R[1]C[1]:R[2]C[" & LastCol & "]").Select I...
  5. P

    conditional formatting 2007

    Hi, I have a problem in conditional formatting in excell 2007. I want to condition format an entire column based on another relative column data. For example I want to set background of each cell in column A to red according to relative values in column D. If $A1 > $D1 then RED $A2 > $D2 then...

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