run time error 91

  1. K

    VBA Excel, Error code 91

    Hello, I was using this macro for a form and one day, it stopped to work and I got the error 91 The thing I don't understand, i have this error only for lines in bold and red. Does someone have a solution for this please ? Thank you ! Sub Save_SharePoint_A_Initiation() Dim Leader As...
  2. B

    runtime error 91: object variable or with block variable not set

    Hello, I'm having trouble with a sub that i set up to create tables with specific sizes and inputs. I get the error on this line: .ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange.Cells(1, 1).Value = "WR 1" and only if numRows is 1. if its higher than 1 everything runs fine and all tables get created and filled...
  3. O

    run time error 91 object variable not set

    My VBA have this run time error 91 on the line below that underline with red color. My MRStart1 didn't found anythings and jump to MBranch2: but if my MRStart2 didn't found anythings then the error 91 come out. What is the problem guys? If...
  4. A

    Object variable or with block variable not set

    I have a worksheet I am trying to create a filter for. I recorded a macro with all of the filtering set to what I need. When I try to assign it to my ComboBox and run it I am getting a Run-Time Error 91 Object variable or with block variable not set. It is highlighting the section "...
  5. H

    Run Time Error 91 : Object Variable or with Block Variable not Set

    Option Explicit Sub Button1_Click() Dim wb As Workbook Dim ws As Worksheet Dim FarmerName() As String Dim PurchasedAmount() As Long Dim LastRow, NameRow, AmountRow As Long Dim i, j, k As Integer i = 1 j = 1 k = 1 Worksheets(1).Activate Range("F:F").NumberFormat = "General" LastRow =...
  6. L

    VBA Run Time Error .Find

    Hi All, I'm very new to VBA and try to resolve most of my problems through looking at everyone's helpful posts! however, this time I can't seem to figure it out. I am trying to find "TS" in a specific column and filter for those rows if available. If not available, I just want to exit the sub...
  7. S

    Run Time Error 91, Object Variable or With Block Variable Not Set

    Hey everyone, So I will spare you some of the smaller details, but I am basically writing a code that cycles through all sheets in a workbook, looks for a specific range and then copies and pastes it to another sheet accordingly. The trouble part of the code right now is right at the beginning...
  8. A

    Run time 91 error in VBA code

    Hello. I'm a novice when it comes to VBA coding, and I have a question about why I might be getting a run time 91 error with the following code, specifically the argument reading "Else MailDoc.Body = DiscMarker". Any help that can be provided will be greatly appreciated...
  9. M

    createpivottable cannot set

    Hi, I'm trying to create a pivottable on VBA , I've set my range and pivot cache but I cannot create pivot table, it shows = nothing when I watch its value. At the last row of the pasted code below I receive the error "Run Time error 91, Object Variable not set". I couldn't find what is wrong...
  10. T

    VBA Problem

    Hi, I have a basic piece of vba which changes the type of chart from a line chart to a column chart: Sub COLUMN_CHART() ' ActiveChart.ChartArea.Select ActiveChart.ChartType = xlColumnClustered End Sub The problem i am having is that if this is pressed its works fine. But, if i...
  11. S

    Clipboard data as variable in VBA

    Hi Mr Excel Gurus, I have the following details in workbook 1. <TABLE style="WIDTH: 322pt; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=430><COLGROUP><COL style="WIDTH: 38pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 1865" width=51><COL style="WIDTH: 62pt...
  12. M

    Help with Macro across worksheets and other errors

    Hi I need a little help with this macro I've been working on. Some of it is from ctrl key macros that I have recorded and a little help from the forum. I ultimately need to get this macro to work across all the sheets in the work book. But only one portion of it works across all the...
  13. B

    Code near completion, runtime error

    Hello, I have a large column of UPC numbers I wish to identify. This code is designed to enter a search for UPCs at Then it copies the url of the search results page and pastes it in Excel 2007 next to its matching UPC. The end result should be a column...
  14. B

    Broken Code Importing data from Internet Explorer

    Hello,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> This code is designed to enter a search for UPCs at Then it copies the url of the search results page and pastes it in excel next to its matching...
  15. E

    I'm getting run-time error 91; what is wrong with my code?

    I am getting run-time error '91' when I run this. I click debug and the following line is highlighted in yellow: Columns(2).Find(what:="TOTAL COSTS").Select Is there anything wrong with my syntax? What am I doing wrong? Sub findTotalCosts2008() Dim c As Range Dim lookup...

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