
  1. C

    Formula to Detect Trends Over Time

    Please bear with this explanation as it may be lengthy but I want to be as clear as possible with my problem.. I am trying to detect with a formula the trend over the past 6 months of my data. I do not simply want to see if the data has increased from one month to the next month; rather I want...
  2. V

    remove duplicate from top down

    Hello all I have this short line of code that removes duplicates rows based on the cell values in column "A" This works fine but I need to delete from row "A" downwards instead of last row upwards b = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row Range("A1:Z" & b).RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1...
  3. kelly mort

    Looking up some dates not working

    With Sheet1.Range("C7:C1007") Set rngFind = .Find(what:=CDate(Me.Rw2.Text), After:=Sheet1.[C1007], LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlPart, SearchDirection:=xlNext) End With This is a line in my code Some dates are not picking. From 20th upwards does not work. But below 20th works fine. Can...
  4. B

    Count data upwards

    Hello All, I am trying to get the result in column-A and I really need help with a formula to automatically count upwards as I insert data into column-B. In the example below I just wanted to count data "X" in column-B upwards as in our situation, the data has been inserted in the top row as...
  5. C

    ceiling.math rounding up 0 to next/nearest 25

    I'm using ceiling.math to roundup value to nearest 25, but it will not adjust a value of 0 upwards. How do I do this? I don't want any value less than 25.
  6. D

    SUM function

    Hello guys im having trouble doing the following: My goal is to have =SUM(B25*E2, B24*E3, B23*E4, B22*E5, ... means that each time that I drag the column down it multiplies it for an E but oging cells upwards. Any way to easily do this instead of manually doing everything? Thanks guys!
  7. J

    Search column upwards for value

    Hi All, Does anybody know of a function(s) i could use that will look for a corresponding value on the same row on a specific cell, and if a value doesn't exist there, it will look upwards until it finds a value. Thanks, Hopefully this will illustrate my question a little better... <TBODY>...
  8. S

    Autofilling values UPWARDS

    Hi! Does anyone have a solution on how to fill a value upwards until a new value appears? (and then repeating the procedure after the new value) I know this can be done downwards with "find -> blanks, entering a formula and then ctrl+enter" but I cant figure out how to make it work upwards...

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