worksheet vba

  1. E

    How to copy worksheet vba code to all workbooks in a folder

    Hi, I have vba code that sits in a specific worksheet called 'tracker' that I now want to copy and save to the 'tracker' worksheet of some 500+ workbooks. These workbooks are already populated with data so the vba is to be inserted into the 'tracker' worksheet and then saved. The files are in...
  2. C

    Referring worksheet in a VBA module

    Hi, Need your support in below query... I have a workbook with template XLS sheet, which has to be dynamically copied as separate XLS sheet bearing the name "Week 21", "Week 22" and so on, for every week inside the workbook. If I write the code inside the worksheet "Template" and copy it and...
  3. J

    Pasting filtered data from one worksheet to another

    My form makes sure all data is not filtered upon opening and closing. I use a listbox6 to populate textbox1. Then textbox1 is used to filter worksheet(Part). However, I am unsuccessful in pasting the filtered data from worksheet(Part) to worksheet(FilterPaste). I could really use some help...
  4. helgeroe

    Select Worksheet 2 to TotSheet

    Hi<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> I would appreciate if someone could help me out with this one.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Numbers of worksheets in workbook is defined as: TotSheet <o:p></o:p> I would like to select all worksheets except the...

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