How to shorten this long code


New Member
May 1, 2020
Office Version
  1. 2010
  1. Windows

I have this simple code that will set backcolor and enabled of a textbox depending on the value of 3 other textboxes (four times). I'm sure there is a way to shorten this code, but I can't find how...

VBA Code:
Private Sub Reg543_Change()
If Reg543.Value >= "45" Or Reg544.Value >= "45" Or Reg545.Value >= "45" Then
Reg546.Enabled = True
Reg546.BackColor = "&H80000005"
Reg546.Enabled = False
Reg546.BackColor = "&H80000004"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Reg544_Change()
If Reg543.Value >= "45" Or Reg544.Value >= "45" Or Reg545.Value >= "45" Then
Reg546.Enabled = True
Reg546.BackColor = "&H80000005"
Reg546.Enabled = False
Reg546.BackColor = "&H80000004"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Reg545_Change()
If Reg543.Value >= "45" Or Reg544.Value >= "45" Or Reg545.Value >= "45" Then
Reg546.Enabled = True
Reg546.BackColor = "&H80000005"
Reg546.Enabled = False
Reg546.BackColor = "&H80000004"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Reg547_Change()
If Reg547.Value >= "45" Or Reg548.Value >= "45" Or Reg549.Value >= "45" Then
Reg550.Enabled = True
Reg550.BackColor = "&H80000005"
Reg550.Enabled = False
Reg550.BackColor = "&H80000004"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Reg548_Change()
If Reg547.Value >= "45" Or Reg548.Value >= "45" Or Reg549.Value >= "45" Then
Reg550.Enabled = True
Reg550.BackColor = "&H80000005"
Reg550.Enabled = False
Reg550.BackColor = "&H80000004"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Reg549_Change()
If Reg547.Value >= "45" Or Reg548.Value >= "45" Or Reg549.Value >= "45" Then
Reg550.Enabled = True
Reg550.BackColor = "&H80000005"
Reg550.Enabled = False
Reg550.BackColor = "&H80000004"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Reg576_Change()
If Reg576.Value >= "45" Or Reg577.Value >= "45" Or Reg578.Value >= "45" Then
Reg579.Enabled = True
Reg579.BackColor = "&H80000005"
Reg579.Enabled = False
Reg579.BackColor = "&H80000004"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Reg577_Change()
If Reg576.Value >= "45" Or Reg577.Value >= "45" Or Reg578.Value >= "45" Then
Reg579.Enabled = True
Reg579.BackColor = "&H80000005"
Reg579.Enabled = False
Reg579.BackColor = "&H80000004"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Reg578_Change()
If Reg576.Value >= "45" Or Reg577.Value >= "45" Or Reg578.Value >= "45" Then
Reg579.Enabled = True
Reg579.BackColor = "&H80000005"
Reg579.Enabled = False
Reg579.BackColor = "&H80000004"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Reg580_Change()
If Reg580.Value >= "45" Or Reg581.Value >= "45" Or Reg582.Value >= "45" Then
Reg583.Enabled = True
Reg583.BackColor = "&H80000005"
Reg583.Enabled = False
Reg583.BackColor = "&H80000004"
End If
End Sub

Thank you in advance for your advices and your time


Excel Facts

Format cells as currency
Select range and press Ctrl+Shift+4 to format cells as currency. (Shift 4 is the $ sign).
Make separate procedures for your repetitive code ...
VBA Code:
Private Sub Condition_1()
    If Reg543.Value >= "45" Or Reg544.Value >= "45" Or Reg545.Value >= "45" Then
        Reg546.Enabled = True
        Reg546.BackColor = "&H80000005"
        Reg546.Enabled = False
        Reg546.BackColor = "&H80000004"
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Reg543_Change()
    Call Condition_1
End Sub
Private Sub Reg544_Change()
    Call Condition_1
End Sub
Private Sub Reg545_Change()
    Call Condition_1
End Sub

Private Sub Condition_2()
    If Reg547.Value >= "45" Or Reg548.Value >= "45" Or Reg549.Value >= "45" Then
        Reg550.Enabled = True
        Reg550.BackColor = "&H80000005"
        Reg550.Enabled = False
        Reg550.BackColor = "&H80000004"
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Reg547_Change()
    Call Condition_2
End Sub
Private Sub Reg548_Change()
    Call Condition_2
End Sub
Private Sub Reg549_Change()
    Call Condition_2
End Sub

Private Sub Condition_3()
    If Reg576.Value >= "45" Or Reg577.Value >= "45" Or Reg578.Value >= "45" Then
        Reg579.Enabled = True
        Reg579.BackColor = "&H80000005"
        Reg579.Enabled = False
        Reg579.BackColor = "&H80000004"
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Reg576_Change()
    Call Condition_3
End Sub
Private Sub Reg577_Change()
    Call Condition_3
End Sub
Private Sub Reg578_Change()
    Call Condition_3
End Sub

Private Sub Reg580_Change()
If Reg580.Value >= "45" Or Reg581.Value >= "45" Or Reg582.Value >= "45" Then
Reg583.Enabled = True
Reg583.BackColor = "&H80000005"
Reg583.Enabled = False
Reg583.BackColor = "&H80000004"
End If
End Sub
Upvote 0
This might give you something to think about. I'm using the "BeforeUpdate" trigger instead of the "Change" trigger. Then I don't get a call after every character change in the textbox

VBA Code:
Private Sub Reg543_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
  Call cBackColor("Reg543")
End Sub

Private Sub Reg544_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
  Call cBackColor("Reg544")
End Sub

Private Sub Reg545_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
  Call cBackColor("Reg545")
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
  Reg543.Value = 30
  Reg544.Value = 31
  Reg545.Value = 32
End Sub

Sub cBackColor(cName As String)
  Dim cNum As Long
  Dim Cntrl(1 To 4) As Object
  Dim X As Long
  Dim Y As Long
  Dim V As Long
  Dim BaseV As Long
  Dim cMin As Long
  cNum = Val(Mid(cName, 4, 3))
  Select Case cNum
    Case 543 To 545
      BaseV = 543
    Case 547 To 549
      BaseV = 547
    Case 576 To 578
      BaseV = 576
    Case 580 To 582
      BaseV = 580
  End Select
  Y = BaseV - 1
  cMin = 999
  For X = 1 To 4
    Y = Y + 1
    Set Cntrl(X) = UserForm1.Controls("Reg" & Y)
    If X < 4 Then
      V = Val(Cntrl(X).Value)
      If V < cMin Then cMin = V
    End If
  Next X
  If cMin >= 45 Then
    Cntrl(4).Enabled = True
    Cntrl(4).BackColor = "&H80000005"
    Cntrl(4).Enabled = False
    Cntrl(4).BackColor = "&H80000004"
  End If
End Sub
Upvote 0

I have this simple code that will set backcolor and enabled of a textbox depending on the value of 3 other textboxes (four times). I'm sure there is a way to shorten this code, but I can't find how...

with repeating code you can make a common code and pass an argument to process the differences being tested

Following is untested but may do what you want

VBA Code:
Enum CheckControlValues
    Check543To545 = 543
    Check547To549 = 547
    Check576To578 = 576
End Enum

Private Sub Reg543_Change()
    CheckValue Check543To545
End Sub
Private Sub Reg544_Change()
    CheckValue Check543To545
End Sub
Private Sub Reg545_Change()
    CheckValue Check543To545
End Sub
Private Sub Reg547_Change()
    CheckValue Check547To549
End Sub
Private Sub Reg548_Change()
    CheckValue Check547To549
End Sub
Private Sub Reg549_Change()
    CheckValue Check547To549
End Sub
Private Sub Reg576_Change()
    CheckValue Check576To578
End Sub
Private Sub Reg577_Change()
    CheckValue Check576To578
End Sub
Private Sub Reg578_Change()
    CheckValue Check576To578
End Sub

Sub CheckValue(ByVal CheckControl As CheckControlValues)
    Dim IsEqualOrGreater As Boolean
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = CheckControl To CheckControl + 3
        IsEqualOrGreater = CBool(Val(Me.Controls("Reg" & i).Value) >= 45)
        With Me.Controls("Reg" & CheckName + 4)
            .Enabled = IsEqualOrGreater
            .BackColor = IIf(IsEqualOrGreater, &H80000005, &H80000004)
        End With
       If IsEqualOrGreater Then Exit Sub
    Next i
End Sub

I have used each controls change event which will call the common code each time you make an entry - An alternative event like AfterUpdate be better suited but you would need to determine this.

To repeat, solution untested & may need some adjustment but hopefully, just another idea that may help you

Hope Helpful

Last edited:
Upvote 0
spotted typo after posting

this line
VBA Code:
With Me.Controls("Reg" & CheckName + 4)

should be this

VBA Code:
With Me.Controls("Reg" & CheckControl + 4)

Upvote 0
This might give you something to think about. I'm using the "BeforeUpdate" trigger instead of the "Change" trigger. Then I don't get a call after every character change in the textbox

VBA Code:
Private Sub Reg543_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
  Call cBackColor("Reg543")
End Sub

Private Sub Reg544_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
  Call cBackColor("Reg544")
End Sub

Private Sub Reg545_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
  Call cBackColor("Reg545")
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
  Reg543.Value = 30
  Reg544.Value = 31
  Reg545.Value = 32
End Sub

Sub cBackColor(cName As String)
  Dim cNum As Long
  Dim Cntrl(1 To 4) As Object
  Dim X As Long
  Dim Y As Long
  Dim V As Long
  Dim BaseV As Long
  Dim cMin As Long
  cNum = Val(Mid(cName, 4, 3))
  Select Case cNum
    Case 543 To 545
      BaseV = 543
    Case 547 To 549
      BaseV = 547
    Case 576 To 578
      BaseV = 576
    Case 580 To 582
      BaseV = 580
  End Select
  Y = BaseV - 1
  cMin = 999
  For X = 1 To 4
    Y = Y + 1
    Set Cntrl(X) = UserForm1.Controls("Reg" & Y)
    If X < 4 Then
      V = Val(Cntrl(X).Value)
      If V < cMin Then cMin = V
    End If
  Next X
  If cMin >= 45 Then
    Cntrl(4).Enabled = True
    Cntrl(4).BackColor = "&H80000005"
    Cntrl(4).Enabled = False
    Cntrl(4).BackColor = "&H80000004"
  End If
End Sub
Wow Thanks, this is a great code, can't say I understand it perfectly, but I like it because it forces me to learn and think.
Thanks again

Upvote 0
Make separate procedures for your repetitive code ...
VBA Code:
Private Sub Condition_1()
    If Reg543.Value >= "45" Or Reg544.Value >= "45" Or Reg545.Value >= "45" Then
        Reg546.Enabled = True
        Reg546.BackColor = "&H80000005"
        Reg546.Enabled = False
        Reg546.BackColor = "&H80000004"
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Reg543_Change()
    Call Condition_1
End Sub
Private Sub Reg544_Change()
    Call Condition_1
End Sub
Private Sub Reg545_Change()
    Call Condition_1
End Sub

Private Sub Condition_2()
    If Reg547.Value >= "45" Or Reg548.Value >= "45" Or Reg549.Value >= "45" Then
        Reg550.Enabled = True
        Reg550.BackColor = "&H80000005"
        Reg550.Enabled = False
        Reg550.BackColor = "&H80000004"
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Reg547_Change()
    Call Condition_2
End Sub
Private Sub Reg548_Change()
    Call Condition_2
End Sub
Private Sub Reg549_Change()
    Call Condition_2
End Sub

Private Sub Condition_3()
    If Reg576.Value >= "45" Or Reg577.Value >= "45" Or Reg578.Value >= "45" Then
        Reg579.Enabled = True
        Reg579.BackColor = "&H80000005"
        Reg579.Enabled = False
        Reg579.BackColor = "&H80000004"
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Reg576_Change()
    Call Condition_3
End Sub
Private Sub Reg577_Change()
    Call Condition_3
End Sub
Private Sub Reg578_Change()
    Call Condition_3
End Sub

Private Sub Reg580_Change()
If Reg580.Value >= "45" Or Reg581.Value >= "45" Or Reg582.Value >= "45" Then
Reg583.Enabled = True
Reg583.BackColor = "&H80000005"
Reg583.Enabled = False
Reg583.BackColor = "&H80000004"
End If
End Sub
Thank you very much, it works and it's highly applicable to other controls
Upvote 0
I added some descriptions

VBA Code:
'Provide the name of the calling control
Sub cBackColor(cName As String)
  Dim cNum As Long
  Dim Cntrl(1 To 4) As Object
  Dim X As Long
  Dim Y As Long
  Dim V As Long
  Dim BaseV As Long
  Dim cMin As Long
  cNum = Val(Mid(cName, 4, 3))  'get the REG #
  Select Case cNum              'What set is it in?
    Case 543 To 545
      BaseV = 543
    Case 547 To 549
      BaseV = 547
    Case 576 To 578
      BaseV = 576
    Case 580 To 582
      BaseV = 580
  End Select
  Y = BaseV - 1                 'Start one below then increase in the FOR
  cMin = 999                    'Set to high value
  For X = 1 To 4
    Y = Y + 1                                     'increase Y by 1
    Set Cntrl(X) = UserForm1.Controls("Reg" & Y)  'The the name of the control into an object
    If X < 4 Then                                 'Don't evaluate the last control
      V = Val(Cntrl(X).Value)
      If V < cMin Then cMin = V                   'Set cMin to minimum value of all 3 controls
    End If
  Next X
  If cMin >= 45 Then                              'All controls have at least 45
    Cntrl(4).Enabled = True
    Cntrl(4).BackColor = "&H80000005"
  Else                                            'Not all controls have at least 45
    Cntrl(4).Enabled = False
    Cntrl(4).BackColor = "&H80000004"
  End If
End Sub
Upvote 0
Here another code for you to consider:

In the userform code:
VBA Code:
Dim TxtBx() As New Class1

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
  Dim i As Long, ctrl As MSForms.Control
  For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
    If TypeName(ctrl) = "TextBox" Then
      Select Case Right(ctrl.Name, 3)
        Case 543 To 545, 547 To 549, 576 To 578, 580 To 582
          i = i + 1
          ReDim Preserve TxtBx(i)
          Set TxtBx(i).MultTextBox = ctrl
      End Select
    End If
End Sub

In a class module "Class1":
VBA Code:
Public WithEvents MultTextBox As MSForms.TextBox

Private Sub MultTextbox_Change()
  Dim n As Long, m As Boolean
  n = WorksheetFunction.Lookup(Val(Right(MultTextBox.Name, 3)), Array(543, 547, 576, 580), Array(543, 547, 576, 580))
  With UserForm1
    m = WorksheetFunction.Max(Val(.Controls("Reg" & n)), Val(.Controls("Reg" & n + 1)), Val(.Controls("Reg" & n + 2))) >= 45
    .Controls("Reg" & n + 3).Enabled = m
    .Controls("Reg" & n + 3).BackColor = "&H8000000" & 4 + m * -1
  End With
End Sub

Note: Change the name UserForm1 in Class1 by the name of your userform.
Upvote 0
Here another code for you to consider:

In the userform code:
VBA Code:
Dim TxtBx() As New Class1

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
  Dim i As Long, ctrl As MSForms.Control
  For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
    If TypeName(ctrl) = "TextBox" Then
      Select Case Right(ctrl.Name, 3)
        Case 543 To 545, 547 To 549, 576 To 578, 580 To 582
          i = i + 1
          ReDim Preserve TxtBx(i)
          Set TxtBx(i).MultTextBox = ctrl
      End Select
    End If
End Sub

In a class module "Class1":
VBA Code:
Public WithEvents MultTextBox As MSForms.TextBox

Private Sub MultTextbox_Change()
  Dim n As Long, m As Boolean
  n = WorksheetFunction.Lookup(Val(Right(MultTextBox.Name, 3)), Array(543, 547, 576, 580), Array(543, 547, 576, 580))
  With UserForm1
    m = WorksheetFunction.Max(Val(.Controls("Reg" & n)), Val(.Controls("Reg" & n + 1)), Val(.Controls("Reg" & n + 2))) >= 45
    .Controls("Reg" & n + 3).Enabled = m
    .Controls("Reg" & n + 3).BackColor = "&H8000000" & 4 + m * -1
  End With
End Sub

Note: Change the name UserForm1 in Class1 by the name of your userform.
Thank you very much very appreciated
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