Using a Loop to perform operations


Active Member
Apr 29, 2008
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
Ok, here is what I am working on. Each week I have to put together a workbook with a sheet for each of the directors in my dept. This wasn't so bad before but we are adding new directors and departments lately, so the process has become more manual than before. I created a macro to do a lot of automating for me but it is proving to be more of a problem to update the VBA each time I have to add a new director. That said, it seems to me that the best option I have to make my life simple is to use a Loop statement in VBA, combined with a sheet that contains a list of the directors I need to create a sheet for. Right now my list contains 13 names. Here's what I'd like to do.

First, what I have to do is extract certain columns of information from the Master Data Repository (MDR) for each director. Then I create a new workbook and append the extracted columns of data by director to a specific sheet. For example, I go to the MDR and find the sheet for Joe Smith. I select columns B & C, F, then K-N. I copy the data and then open a new workbook and then paste the columns to the empty sheet and name that new sheet 'Smith'. Then I go back to the MDR and select the next director's sheet that I need, copy the columns, go back to the new workbook and create a sheet for the next director and paste the data to that sheet. So on and so forth.

The problem is that the MDR contains data for directors outside of my dept so I am only focused on the directors in my area. I have created a list of directors that I would need to pull data from the MDR for and create a new sheet for them. My thought is that I'd like to loop through the list of directors that I have and perform the steps that I mentioned before for each director in my list until I reach the end of the list. Since all of the names are there, I wouldn't need to manually enter anything in my code to find the people I need.

Here is some code I currently have that runs for a specific name that I put into my VBA...I have to create this same code for each new director I add and it is tedious...this is why I think I should be able to run this line of code again through a loop to do the steps I need:

Dim SheetSmith as Integer

Workbooks.Open FileName:= MDR

'********* Extract Smith's Sheet</SPAN>
    Set range1 = Sheets("Smith").Range("B1:C" & SheetSmith)</SPAN>
    Set range2 = Sheets("Smith").Range("F1:F" & SheetSmith)</SPAN>
    Set range3 = Sheets("Smith").Range("K1:N" & SheetSmith)</SPAN>
    Set multipleRange = Union(range1, range2, range3)</SPAN>
    With selection.Font</SPAN>
        .Name = "Calibri"</SPAN>
        .Size = 11</SPAN>
        .Strikethrough = False</SPAN>
        .Superscript = False</SPAN>
        .Subscript = False</SPAN>
        .OutlineFont = False</SPAN>
        .Shadow = False</SPAN>
        .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone</SPAN>
        .TintAndShade = 0</SPAN>
        .ThemeFont = xlThemeFontMinor</SPAN>
    End With</SPAN>
    selection.ColumnWidth = 68.57</SPAN>
    ActiveWindow.Zoom = 85</SPAN>
    selection.RowHeight = 33#</SPAN>
    selection.Replace What:="( ", Replacement:="(", LookAt:=xlPart, _</SPAN>
        SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _</SPAN>
    selection.Replace What:="_*", Replacement:=")", LookAt:=xlPart, _</SPAN>
        SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _</SPAN>
    selection.Replace What:="Smith (", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, _</SPAN>
        SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _</SPAN>
    Application.CutCopyMode = False</SPAN>
    selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove</SPAN>
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _</SPAN>
        "=IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("" ("",RC[-1])),RC[-1],LEFT(RC[-1],LEN(RC[-1])-1))"</SPAN>
    selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("B2:B" & SheetSmith)</SPAN>
    Range("B2:B" & SheetSmith).Select</SPAN>
    selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _</SPAN>
        :=False, Transpose:=False</SPAN>
    Application.CutCopyMode = False</SPAN>
    selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft</SPAN>
    Range("G1:G" & SheetSmith).Select</SPAN>
    selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _</SPAN>
        SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False</SPAN>
    Application.CutCopyMode = False</SPAN>
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Comment"</SPAN>
    With selection.Interior</SPAN>
        .Pattern = xlSolid</SPAN>
        .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic</SPAN>
        .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent2</SPAN>
        .TintAndShade = -0.249977111117893</SPAN>
        .PatternTintAndShade = 0</SPAN>
    End With</SPAN>
    Range("C2:H" & SheetSmith).Select</SPAN>
    selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone</SPAN>
    selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone</SPAN>
    With selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)</SPAN>
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous</SPAN>
        .ColorIndex = 0</SPAN>
        .TintAndShade = 0</SPAN>
        .Weight = xlMedium</SPAN>
    End With</SPAN>
    With selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)</SPAN>
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous</SPAN>
        .ColorIndex = 0</SPAN>
        .TintAndShade = 0</SPAN>
        .Weight = xlMedium</SPAN>
    End With</SPAN>
    With selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)</SPAN>
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous</SPAN>
        .ColorIndex = 0</SPAN>
        .TintAndShade = 0</SPAN>
        .Weight = xlMedium</SPAN>
    End With</SPAN>
    With selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight)</SPAN>
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous</SPAN>
        .ColorIndex = 0</SPAN>
        .TintAndShade = 0</SPAN>
        .Weight = xlMedium</SPAN>
    End With</SPAN>
    With selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical)</SPAN>
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous</SPAN>
        .ColorIndex = 0</SPAN>
        .TintAndShade = 0</SPAN>
        .Weight = xlThin</SPAN>
    End With</SPAN>
    With selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)</SPAN>
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous</SPAN>
        .ColorIndex = 0</SPAN>
        .TintAndShade = 0</SPAN>
        .Weight = xlThin</SPAN>
    End With</SPAN>
    '*************** Sort Descending YTD Score</SPAN>
    ActiveSheet.AutoFilter.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:= _</SPAN>
        Range("G2"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlDescending, DataOption:= _</SPAN>
    With ActiveSheet.AutoFilter.Sort</SPAN>
        .Header = xlYes</SPAN>
        .MatchCase = False</SPAN>
        .Orientation = xlTopToBottom</SPAN>
        .SortMethod = xlPinYin</SPAN>
    End With</SPAN>
    ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False</SPAN>
    '********** Add Totals Row</SPAN>
    Range(Cells(SheetSmith + 1, 2), Cells(SheetSmith + 1, 4)).Select</SPAN>
    With selection.Interior</SPAN>
        .Pattern = xlSolid</SPAN>
        .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic</SPAN>
        .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent1</SPAN>
        .Color = 16764057</SPAN>
        .TintAndShade = 0</SPAN>
        .PatternTintAndShade = 0</SPAN>
    End With</SPAN>
    Range("B" & SheetSmith + 1).Select</SPAN>
    With selection</SPAN>
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft</SPAN>
    End With</SPAN>
    Range("B" & SheetSmith + 1).FormulaR1C1 = "Current Score based upon MBO currently reported"</SPAN>
    Range("C" & SheetSmith + 1).Formula = "=SUM(R2C:R[-1]C)"</SPAN>
    Range("D" & SheetSmith + 1).Formula = "=SUM(R2C:R[-1]C)"</SPAN>
    Range(Cells(SheetSmith + 1, 2), Cells(SheetSmith + 1, 4)).Select</SPAN>
    With selection.Font</SPAN>
        .Name = "Calibri"</SPAN>
        .FontStyle = "Regular"</SPAN>
        .Size = 14</SPAN>
        .Strikethrough = False</SPAN>
        .Superscript = False</SPAN>
        .Subscript = False</SPAN>
        .OutlineFont = False</SPAN>
        .Shadow = False</SPAN>
        .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone</SPAN>
        .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic</SPAN>
        .TintAndShade = 0</SPAN>
        .ThemeFont = xlThemeFontMinor</SPAN>
    End With</SPAN>
    selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone</SPAN>
    selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone</SPAN>
    With selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)</SPAN>
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous</SPAN>
        .ColorIndex = 0</SPAN>
        .TintAndShade = 0</SPAN>
        .Weight = xlMedium</SPAN>
    End With</SPAN>
    With selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)</SPAN>
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous</SPAN>
        .ColorIndex = 0</SPAN>
        .TintAndShade = 0</SPAN>
        .Weight = xlMedium</SPAN>
    End With</SPAN>
    With selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)</SPAN>
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous</SPAN>
        .ColorIndex = 0</SPAN>
        .TintAndShade = 0</SPAN>
        .Weight = xlMedium</SPAN>
    End With</SPAN>
    With selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight)</SPAN>
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous</SPAN>
        .ColorIndex = 0</SPAN>
        .TintAndShade = 0</SPAN>
        .Weight = xlMedium</SPAN>
    End With</SPAN>
    With selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical)</SPAN>
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous</SPAN>
        .ColorIndex = 0</SPAN>
        .TintAndShade = 0</SPAN>
        .Weight = xlMedium</SPAN>
    End With</SPAN>
    selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone</SPAN>
    selection.Font.Bold = True</SPAN>
    '********* Align text to the right</SPAN>
    Range("C2:H" & SheetSmith + 1).Select</SPAN>
    With selection</SPAN>
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlRight</SPAN>
        .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom</SPAN>
        .WrapText = False</SPAN>
        .Orientation = 0</SPAN>
        .AddIndent = False</SPAN>
        .IndentLevel = 0</SPAN>
        .ShrinkToFit = False</SPAN>
        .ReadingOrder = xlContext</SPAN>
        .MergeCells = False</SPAN>
    End With</SPAN>
    ActiveSheet.Name = "Smith"</SPAN>

REPEAT STEPS but refer to the List of Directors and next available Director Name

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I haven't added all the code but here is what I think you need for the loop.
It creates an array of director names from Column A in Sheet1. (Modify to suit). You can therefore add/remove names as and when.
It checks the Worksheet of the director name exists or jumps to the next if not.

You can try it as is on a copy and get it to cycle through the worksheets successfully before adding your code.
I hope it sets you in the right direction.

Sub DirectorList()
Dim DirectList()

'Create Array of Directors to last filled cell
    Set Ws = Sheets("Sheet1")
    DirectList = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Range(Ws.Range("A1"), Ws.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)))

    For x = LBound(DirectList) To UBound(DirectList)
            MsgBox DirectList(x)
   If WorksheetExists(DirectList(x)) Then
   DirectorNme = DirectList(x)

   'Do your thing....
    End If
End Sub
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