VIN Check Digit


New Member
Oct 21, 2010
I use the following formula in cell B1 to calculate a Vehicle Identification Number Check Digit:


In cell A1, I have the VIN.
In cell C1, I have use the formula:


to determine if the check digit matches the VIN.

Is there a way, without using a macro, to reference the first formula for many VINs copied in column A without copying the formula to every cell in column B?
The formula is 392 characters long and the worksheet becomes very large when working with thousands of VINs.

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You could use a referencing mechanism such as OFFSET
...LOOKUP(MID(OFFSET(A1,D1,0)... incrementing the value of D1 (as the row to evaluate) in leiu of the A1 reference you have, but you're introducing a lot of manual update/calc overhead with thousands of rows.
Even if you put a data validation on my D1 reference to provide a drop down - it's still a lot of clicks/calc.

could you not drag your formula down, do the tests, filter the results, copy/paste special values and then remove the formulas?
With the restriction of not populating cells, and no vba, you're rather handicapping viable solutions.
Upvote 0
I now wish to use VBA.

I try the following:

Function Vin(VinNum)
Vin = LOOKUP(MOD(SUMPRODUCT(LOOKUP(MID(VinNum,{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17},1),{"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","J","K","L","M","N","P","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z";0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,7,9,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}),{8,7,6,5,4,3,2,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2}),11),{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10;"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","X"})
End Function

and it does not allow the braces. What is the correct way to do this?
Upvote 0
Here's a version.
May need to add error checking at some point.
No Idea on large-scale performance
Goes in a Module

Researched SumProduct in VBA; real brain-tweaker; just built an array to run it.

Option Base 1
Public Function fVinCheckv0(VinNum As Range)
'Use: fVinCheckv0(A1)
'Expects VinNum.Text to be 17 chars long
'Returns a CheckDigit
Dim Arr(16, 3)
CheckDigit = "X"
ArrIdx = 0
'Load 1st Array element with substitution values
For char = 1 To Len(VinNum.Text)
    If char <> 9 Then
        Select Case Mid(VinNum, char, 1)
            Case Is = "0"
                retval = 0
            Case Is = "1"
                retval = 1
            Case Is = "2"
                retval = 2
            Case Is = "3"
                retval = 3
            Case Is = "4"
                retval = 4
            Case Is = "5"
                retval = 5
            Case Is = "6"
                retval = 6
            Case Is = "7"
                retval = 7
            Case Is = "8"
                retval = 8
            Case Is = "9"
                retval = 9
            Case Is = "A"
                retval = 1
            Case Is = "B"
                retval = 2
            Case Is = "C"
                retval = 3
            Case Is = "D"
                retval = 4
            Case Is = "E"
                retval = 5
            Case Is = "F"
                retval = 6
            Case Is = "G"
                retval = 7
            Case Is = "H"
                retval = 8
            Case Is = "J"
                retval = 1
            Case Is = "K"
                retval = 2
            Case Is = "L"
                retval = 3
            Case Is = "M"
                retval = 4
            Case Is = "N"
                retval = 5
            Case Is = "P"
                retval = 7
            Case Is = "R"
                retval = 9
            Case Is = "S"
                retval = 2
            Case Is = "T"
                retval = 3
            Case Is = "U"
                retval = 4
            Case Is = "V"
                retval = 5
            Case Is = "W"
                retval = 6
            Case Is = "X"
                retval = 7
            Case Is = "Y"
                retval = 8
            Case Is = "Z"
                retval = 9
        End Select
        ArrIdx = ArrIdx + 1
        Arr(ArrIdx, 1) = retval
    End If
Next char
'Load the 2nd Array Element with second set of elements for SumProduct
Arr(1, 2) = 8
Arr(2, 2) = 7
Arr(3, 2) = 6
Arr(4, 2) = 5
Arr(5, 2) = 4
Arr(6, 2) = 3
Arr(7, 2) = 2
Arr(8, 2) = 10
Arr(9, 2) = 9
Arr(10, 2) = 8
Arr(11, 2) = 7
Arr(12, 2) = 6
Arr(13, 2) = 5
Arr(14, 2) = 4
Arr(15, 2) = 3
Arr(16, 2) = 2
'Calc the Products
For ArrIdx = 1 To UBound(Arr())
    Arr(ArrIdx, 3) = Arr(ArrIdx, 1) * Arr(ArrIdx, 2)
    Debug.Print "Product: "; Arr(ArrIdx, 3)
Next ArrIdx
'Compile the Sum [Resulting in SumProduct]
SPResult = 0
For ArrIdx = 1 To UBound(Arr())
    SPResult = SPResult + Arr(ArrIdx, 3)
Next ArrIdx
'Calc the Modulus
ModResult = SPResult Mod 11
'Perform Substitution on the Modulus Result
    Select Case ModResult
        Case Is = 0
            CheckDigit = "0"
        Case Is = 1
            CheckDigit = "1"
        Case Is = 2
            CheckDigit = "2"
        Case Is = 3
            CheckDigit = "3"
        Case Is = 4
            CheckDigit = "4"
        Case Is = 5
            CheckDigit = "5"
        Case Is = 6
            CheckDigit = "6"
        Case Is = 7
            CheckDigit = "7"
        Case Is = 8
            CheckDigit = "8"
        Case Is = 9
            CheckDigit = "9"
        Case Else
            CheckDigit = "X"
    End Select
'Return the answer
fVinCheckv0 = CheckDigit
End Function
Upvote 0
I really wanted to use the formula array approach, but since it appears they are not supported by VBA, I have the following approach which does what I need. Thanks for the replies.

Function sVinCd(sVinNum As String) As String
Dim Weights(1 To 17) As Integer
Weights(1) = 8
Weights(2) = 7
Weights(3) = 6
Weights(4) = 5
Weights(5) = 4
Weights(6) = 3
Weights(7) = 2
Weights(8) = 10
Weights(9) = 0
Weights(10) = 9
Weights(11) = 8
Weights(12) = 7
Weights(13) = 6
Weights(14) = 5
Weights(15) = 4
Weights(16) = 3
Weights(17) = 2

WeightSum = 0
For i = 1 To 17
Select Case Mid(sVinNum, i, 1)
Case "0"
Digit = 0
Case "1", "A", "J"
Digit = 1
Case "2", "B", "K", "S"
Digit = 2
Case "3", "C", "L", "T"
Digit = 3
Case "4", "D", "M", "U"
Digit = 4
Case "5", "E", "N", "V"
Digit = 5
Case "6", "F", "W"
Digit = 6
Case "7", "G", "P", "X"
Digit = 7
Case "8", "H", "Y"
Digit = 8
Case "9", "R", "Z"
Digit = 9
Case "I", "O", "Q"
sVinCd = "?"
Exit Function
Case Else
sVinCd = "?"
Exit Function
End Select
WeightSum = WeightSum + (Digit * Weights(i))
intCheckDigit = WeightSum Mod 11
sCheckDigit = IIf(intCheckDigit = 10, "X", Trim(CStr(intCheckDigit)))
sVinCd = sCheckDigit
End Function
Upvote 0
Here's a version.
May need to add error checking at some point.
No Idea on large-scale performance
Goes in a Module

Researched SumProduct in VBA; real brain-tweaker; just built an array to run it.

Option Base 1
Public Function fVinCheckv0(VinNum As Range)
'Use: fVinCheckv0(A1)
'Expects VinNum.Text to be 17 chars long
'Returns a CheckDigit
Dim Arr(16, 3)
CheckDigit = "X"
ArrIdx = 0
'Load 1st Array element with substitution values
For char = 1 To Len(VinNum.Text)
    If char <> 9 Then
        Select Case Mid(VinNum, char, 1)
            Case Is = "0"
                retval = 0
            Case Is = "1"
                retval = 1
            Case Is = "2"
                retval = 2
            Case Is = "3"
                retval = 3
            Case Is = "4"
                retval = 4
            Case Is = "5"
                retval = 5
            Case Is = "6"
                retval = 6
            Case Is = "7"
                retval = 7
            Case Is = "8"
                retval = 8
            Case Is = "9"
                retval = 9
            Case Is = "A"
                retval = 1
            Case Is = "B"
                retval = 2
            Case Is = "C"
                retval = 3
            Case Is = "D"
                retval = 4
            Case Is = "E"
                retval = 5
            Case Is = "F"
                retval = 6
            Case Is = "G"
                retval = 7
            Case Is = "H"
                retval = 8
            Case Is = "J"
                retval = 1
            Case Is = "K"
                retval = 2
            Case Is = "L"
                retval = 3
            Case Is = "M"
                retval = 4
            Case Is = "N"
                retval = 5
            Case Is = "P"
                retval = 7
            Case Is = "R"
                retval = 9
            Case Is = "S"
                retval = 2
            Case Is = "T"
                retval = 3
            Case Is = "U"
                retval = 4
            Case Is = "V"
                retval = 5
            Case Is = "W"
                retval = 6
            Case Is = "X"
                retval = 7
            Case Is = "Y"
                retval = 8
            Case Is = "Z"
                retval = 9
        End Select
        ArrIdx = ArrIdx + 1
        Arr(ArrIdx, 1) = retval
    End If
Next char
'Load the 2nd Array Element with second set of elements for SumProduct
Arr(1, 2) = 8
Arr(2, 2) = 7
Arr(3, 2) = 6
Arr(4, 2) = 5
Arr(5, 2) = 4
Arr(6, 2) = 3
Arr(7, 2) = 2
Arr(8, 2) = 10
Arr(9, 2) = 9
Arr(10, 2) = 8
Arr(11, 2) = 7
Arr(12, 2) = 6
Arr(13, 2) = 5
Arr(14, 2) = 4
Arr(15, 2) = 3
Arr(16, 2) = 2
'Calc the Products
For ArrIdx = 1 To UBound(Arr())
    Arr(ArrIdx, 3) = Arr(ArrIdx, 1) * Arr(ArrIdx, 2)
    Debug.Print "Product: "; Arr(ArrIdx, 3)
Next ArrIdx
'Compile the Sum [Resulting in SumProduct]
SPResult = 0
For ArrIdx = 1 To UBound(Arr())
    SPResult = SPResult + Arr(ArrIdx, 3)
Next ArrIdx
'Calc the Modulus
ModResult = SPResult Mod 11
'Perform Substitution on the Modulus Result
    Select Case ModResult
        Case Is = 0
            CheckDigit = "0"
        Case Is = 1
            CheckDigit = "1"
        Case Is = 2
            CheckDigit = "2"
        Case Is = 3
            CheckDigit = "3"
        Case Is = 4
            CheckDigit = "4"
        Case Is = 5
            CheckDigit = "5"
        Case Is = 6
            CheckDigit = "6"
        Case Is = 7
            CheckDigit = "7"
        Case Is = 8
            CheckDigit = "8"
        Case Is = 9
            CheckDigit = "9"
        Case Else
            CheckDigit = "X"
    End Select
'Return the answer
fVinCheckv0 = CheckDigit
End Function

Just wanted to say, that I am using this to go through about 11,000 possible VINs to find 8 that I am missing to complete a registry for a rare model of Chevrolet Colorado. Thank you!

I will be using it to go through GMC VINs that I dont already have in the registry as well.

I have it set up combine the 8 digit prefix and the check digit and the 8 digit suffix for each VIN in a sequence of VINs. The I put the into Compnine to see if they come back with build data.

This is all to calculate rarity and sequence the trucks based on build date. It's been a year in the making and this was the last piece of the puzzle to fine the last 8 VINs that I don't have to match up with their respective build data.
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