How to show a chart in a userform?


New Member
Mar 26, 2002
Hi, can you help please? I have a workbook with multiple charts, what I want to do is present chart 1 on a user form press a button NEXT and chart 2 will replace chart 1 I followed an example on how to use a GIF file but cant get the code right to save the chart as a GIF, it's as follows;

Private Sub UpdateChart()
Set currentchart = Sheets("Graphs").ChartObjects(ChartNum).Chart

Fname = ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "temp.gif"
currentchart.Export FileName:=Fname, FilterName:="GIF"

Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Fname)
End Sub

It stops at the first line so if anyone can help I would be most grateful.

Excel Facts

Create a Pivot Table on a Map
If your data has zip codes, postal codes, or city names, select the data and use Insert, 3D Map. (Found to right of chart icons).
I would like to know if anyone out there has a solution for the attched message as I have a similar chart need. Thanks :biggrin:
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I would like to know if anyone out there has a solution for the attched message as I have a similar chart need. Thanks :biggrin:
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Hi Alan,

I would hazard a guess that the contents of the variable ChartNum does not match that of either of your 2 charts.

What is the value of ChartNum when it fails?
Also what does it say when it stops at line one?
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Hi Guys.
All new to me being on these forums. Fantastic info though. If I knew how to attach an Excel file, you can have a beautiful workbook that I downloaded a while ago. It is a picture viewer with "next" and "previous" buttons. Let me know how to attach the file please.
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This site does not provide for an attachment of files, but how about if you post the code in that workbook you downloaded. For my web site (not yet published) I recently wrote an example workbook showing how to do this. In composing my example, it became necessary to solve a number if mini-obstacles along the way. I (and probably others) would be interested to see how your workbook approached and solved the same issues.
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This is the language in the Forms sheet. Remember, it was another gentleman who did all the work. I just copied it. If I knew his name, I would mention it here. A gentleman by the name of Andy Pope also has an image viewer.

Code in Formviewer Forms:
'Array to save Picture file pathes
Private folderPath As String
Private fileNames() As String
Private position As Integer
Private nrOfPictures As Integer

'Variables and Constants needed for Zooming and Displaying the Image
Const MAX_ZOOM = 8 '800% of the original size
Const MIN_ZOOM = 0.05 '5% of the original size
Private m_sngWidth As Single
Private m_sngHeight As Single
Private m_sngZoom As Single

'Load Image
Private Sub LoadImage(Name As String)
If Dir(Name) <> "" Then
With imgMain
.AutoSize = True
.Picture = LoadPicture(Name)
m_sngHeight = .height
m_sngWidth = .width
.AutoSize = False
.PictureSizeMode = fmPictureSizeModeStretch
m_sngZoom = 1
.Left = 1
.Top = 1
'Reset ZoomButtons
cmdZoomIn.Enabled = True
cmdZoomOut.Enabled = True
End With
SetZoom m_sngZoom
MsgBox ("File " & Name & " could not be loaded.")
End If
End Sub

'Set the Zoom Factor
Private Sub SetZoom(Zoom As Single)
With imgMain
.width = m_sngWidth * Zoom
.height = m_sngHeight * Zoom
End With

lblZoom.Caption = "Zoom: " & Format(Zoom, "0%")

With frmImage
.ScrollHeight = imgMain.height + 2
.ScrollWidth = imgMain.width + 2
End With
End Sub

Private Sub cbbFiles_Change()
Dim selectedFile As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim found As Boolean

comboBoxClicked = False
found = False
selectedFile = folderPath + cbbFiles.Text

For i = 0 To (nrOfPictures - 1)
If (fileNames(i) = selectedFile) Then
LoadImage selectedFile
lblInfo = fileNames(i)
cbbFiles.Text = fileNames(i)
found = True
Exit For
End If
Next i

If (found = True) Then
position = i
End If
End Sub

Private Sub CmdButton1_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Image1.Picture = LoadPicture("")
End Sub

Private Sub frmImage_Click()

End Sub

'On Initalization get all Picture Files and save them to an array
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim wbCodeBook As Workbook

Set wbCodeBook = ActiveWorkbook
folderPath = wbCodeBook.path + "\"

End Sub

'Prepare User Form
Private Sub initializeUserForm()
Dim pos As Integer
Dim i As Integer

position = 0

If (nrOfPictures > 0) Then
LoadImage fileNames(position)
lblInfo = fileNames(position)

pos = InStrRev(fileNames(0), "\") + 1


For i = 0 To (nrOfPictures - 1)
cbbFiles.AddItem (Mid(fileNames(i), pos))
Next i

cbbFiles.Text = fileNames(position)
imgMain.Picture = Nothing


cbbFiles.Text = "Could not find pictures..."
End If
End Sub

'Show next Picture
Private Sub cmdNext_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub NextPicture()
If (position < (nrOfPictures - 1)) Then
position = position + 1
position = 0
End If

LoadImage fileNames(position)
lblInfo = fileNames(position)
cbbFiles.Text = fileNames(position)
End Sub

'Show previous picture
Private Sub cmdPrev_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub previousPicture()
If (position > 0) Then
position = position - 1
position = nrOfPictures - 1
End If

LoadImage fileNames(position)
lblInfo = fileNames(position)
cbbFiles.Text = fileNames(position)
End Sub

'Save all picture files (their pathes) to an array
Sub GetAllPictureFiles()

Dim i As Integer
ReDim fileNames(0)
nrOfPictures = 0

getFilesOfType "*.jpg", folderPath
getFilesOfType "*.gif", folderPath
getFilesOfType "*.bmp", folderPath

BubbleSortUp fileNames()

End Sub

'Get Files of Type XXX
Private Sub getFilesOfType(imageType As String, searchPath As String)
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = searchPath
.FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles
.fileName = imageType

If .Execute > 0 Then
ReDim Preserve fileNames(nrOfPictures + .FoundFiles.Count)
For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
fileNames(nrOfPictures + i - 1) = .FoundFiles(i)
Next i
nrOfPictures = nrOfPictures + i - 1
End If
End With
End Sub

'Bubble Sort Ascending
Sub BubbleSortUp(sToSort() As String)
Dim Lower As Integer, Upper As Integer
Dim i As Integer, J As Integer, K As Integer
Dim Temp As String

Lower = LBound(sToSort)
Upper = UBound(sToSort) - 1

For i = Lower To Upper - 1

K = i
For J = i + 1 To Upper
If sToSort(K) > sToSort(J) Then
K = J
End If
Next J

If i <> K Then
Temp = sToSort(i)
sToSort(i) = sToSort(K)
sToSort(K) = Temp
End If
Next i
End Sub

'Zoom Buttons Functionality
Private Sub cmdZoomIn_Click()
m_sngZoom = m_sngZoom + 0.2

If (m_sngZoom >= MAX_ZOOM) Then
m_sngZoom = MAX_ZOOM
End If

cmdZoomIn.Enabled = m_sngZoom <> MAX_ZOOM
cmdZoomOut.Enabled = m_sngZoom <> MIN_ZOOM

SetZoom m_sngZoom
End Sub

Private Sub cmdZoomOut_Click()
m_sngZoom = m_sngZoom - 0.2

If (m_sngZoom <= MIN_ZOOM) Then
m_sngZoom = MIN_ZOOM
End If

cmdZoomIn.Enabled = m_sngZoom <> MAX_ZOOM
cmdZoomOut.Enabled = m_sngZoom <> MIN_ZOOM

SetZoom m_sngZoom
End Sub

'Open Another Directory
Private Sub cmdOpen_Click()
Dim dirName As String

dirName = GetDirectory

folderPath = dirName + "\"

End Sub

Function GetDirectory(Optional Msg) As String
Dim path As String
Dim r As Long, x As Long, pos As Integer

'Root folder = Desktop
bInfo.pidlRoot = 0&

'Title in the dialog
If IsMissing(Msg) Then
bInfo.lpszTitle = "Select a folder."
bInfo.lpszTitle = Msg
End If

'Type of directory to return
bInfo.ulFlags = &H1

'Display the dialog
x = SHBrowseForFolder(bInfo)

'Parse the result
path = Space$(512)
r = SHGetPathFromIDList(ByVal x, ByVal path)
If r Then
pos = InStr(path, Chr$(0))
GetDirectory = Left(path, pos - 1)
GetDirectory = ""
End If
End Function

The language in Module1 is as follows:

'Needed for selecting a Folder
Option Explicit
hOwner As Long
pidlRoot As Long
pszDisplayName As String
lpszTitle As String
ulFlags As Long
lpfn As Long
lParam As Long
iImage As Long
End Type

'32-bit API declarations
Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32.dll" _
Alias "SHGetPathFromIDListA" (ByVal pidl As Long, ByVal pszPath As String) _
As Long

Declare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib "shell32.dll" _
Alias "SHBrowseForFolderA" (lpBrowseInfo As BROWSEINFO) As Long

'Show User Form
Sub pictureViewer()
End Sub

Good Luck and Regards
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That workbook from jolivanes is superb...really nice.

Here is what I did recently regarding this topic:

Established a dedicated folder and path named "C:\Your\ChartFile\Path\" (though the code can be modified to delete and re-establish any directory name).

In the userform's Initialization event...

...Delete all chart photo files (actually all files to be on the safe side) from your dedicated folder.

...Repopulate your dedicated folder with updated chart photos. This gives the userform presentation more meaning because the most recent chart data is shown.

...Embedded chart objects are strange because their name involves the parent sheet name. I parsed that sheet name out of the chart name for a better-looking chart name that will show up in the ComboBox, without the .gif extension.

...Populate the ComboBox with the chart photo file names, without the extension.

The ComboBox change event populates an info label and loads the selected file name onto the Image control. I used a ComboBox instead of command buttons because oftentimes people want to see the names of what they are selecting, especially if the audience requests a specific file to be seen, instead of flipping through the in-between ones as with a command button. That said, I repeat that the workbook from jolivanes is really well done, just excellent.

I know some people cannot, or are not allowed to, download attached files, so here is a description of my userform and the code:

There are 5 controls:

1) Label header at the top, advising user to select a file name from the ComboBox.
2) ComboBox to select a file name
3) Label (optional) below the CoimboBox and above the Image control, displaying the name of the file photo for the viewer's benefit (triggered by cbo Change).
4) Image control
5) Exit button.

The workbook itself has 5 chart examples (all live), one on each worksheet, though you can have as many as you want. I did not involve chart sheets with this; I never use those.

Here is the code, with notes. If anyone is interested in seeing the actual workbook, PM me and I will be happy to send you a copy. It is one of several I created for my upcoming web site that would be a free download.

Option Explicit

'Tip - - Beforehand, give meaningful names to your charts with code like this:
'Sheet1.ChartObjects(1).Name = "Revenue Sources"
'Sheet2.ChartObjects(1).Name = "Month Quantity"
'Sheet3.ChartObjects(1).Name = "Sales Dollars"
'Sheet4.ChartObjects(1).Name = "Expenses Distribution"
'Sheet5.ChartObjects(1).Name = "Inventory by year"

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

'Step 1
'Open a With structure for the Application object and prepare Excel.
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False

'Step 2
'Declare and define variables.
Dim MyPath As String, ASN As String, ASC As String, ACN As String, ACNN As String
Dim ws As Worksheet, ChObj As Object
Dim i As Integer, n As Integer, ASCLen As Integer
Dim fA() As String, dName As String
MyPath = "C:\Your\ChartFile\Path\"
ASN = ActiveSheet.Name

'Step 3
'Delete all chart photo files (actually all files to be on the safe side) from your folder.
With .FileSearch
.LookIn = MyPath
.FileType = 1
.SearchSubFolders = True
If .Execute > 0 Then
For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
Kill .FoundFiles(i)
Next i
End If
End With

'Step 4
'Repopulate your folder with updated chart photos.
For Each ws In Worksheets
ws.Activate 'Sheet activated so chart can be activated.
For Each ChObj In ws.ChartObjects
ASC = ActiveSheet.Name 'Sheet name length will need to be known in Step 4c.
ASCLen = Len(ASC) 'Sheet name length defined, invoked in Step 4f.
ChObj.Activate 'Chart must be activated to be exported.
ACN = ActiveChart.Name 'Entire chart name includes parent sheet name and chart name.
ACNN = Right(ACN, Len(ACN) - ASCLen - 1) 'Parse out the sheet name for a true chart object name.
ActiveChart.Export MyPath & ACNN & ".gif" 'Save the chart object name as a .gif to folder defined in Step 2.
Range("A1").Activate 'Deactivate the chart object by activating a worksheet cell.
Next ChObj 'For some versions, this is a necessary step.
Next ws

'Step 5
'End up on the sheet you were on when you called the userform, for the user's convenience.

'Step 6
'Load the ComboBox with the names of the chart photos
ChDir MyPath
dName = Dir("*") 'All files (which will only be the 'gif's from Step 4g).
Do While dName <> ""
n = n + 1
ReDim Preserve fA(1 To n)
fA(n) = dName
dName = Dir()
For i = 1 To n
cboChartNames.AddItem Left(fA(i), .Find(".", fA(i)) - 1) 'True chart object name without .gif extension
Next 'for cleaner look in ComboBox.

'Step 7
'Restore Excel and close the With structure for the Application object.
.ScreenUpdating = True
.EnableEvents = True
End With
End Sub

Private Sub cboChartNames_Change()
'Notice the " & ".gif" " code, to properly refer to the ComboBox item
'that was loaded into the ComboBox in Step 6 of the Inialization event.
imgShowCharts.Picture = LoadPicture(cboChartNames.Value & ".gif")
'A label above the Image control is optional, to serve as a header
'for the Image, identifying each new chart as it is selected and displayed.
Me.lblChartName.Caption = "This chart's name is ''" & cboChartNames.Value & "''."
End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
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