access 03

  1. L

    Open Excel Workbook from Excel and Access 2003-2010

    Hi All I have been trying various codes to open a selection of one Page workbooks (Graphs) from Both Access and other Workbooks. Access is being used mainly as login and navigation to reports. The below code is the best I have so far, but when opening form Access 2003 , I still get password...
  2. R

    VBA Code

    I'm new to access and I don't really know how to ask it to do what I want it to do. I need two columns to match, although side by side they do not. It will work as more of a Find function I would assume. I realize sql is the normal language, but am having trouble getting it to work (since I am...
  3. N

    Cumulative quantity - Daily

    Hello, I have an access table downloaded from an ERP system that has production data as follows: Production Order Date Produced Part Number Cumulative Qty Produced My issue is that each day the ERP overwrites the days previous qty if the production order has additional production. I need to...
  4. C

    Type Mismatch in Macro that sends excel data to access.

    I have an type mismatch error that occurs on the fifth line of the code. Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Header_New", dbOpenTable). I don't know enough about OpenRecordset command but from what I gathered from Microsoft the syntax is correct, but I may be wrong. Is there a specific reference that I...
  5. B

    Can i use an Excel Userform in Acces?

    Hey there, Can i use an Excel Userform in Acces? I made an userform in excel. That pops-up when you start-up excel. Then you need to fill in it and the date will be transfered to a 2nd Sheet. But it is not possible for 2 people at the same time to fill in this form and save it without have...
  6. D

    Email send not working with To and CC

    This code works beautifully when there is email addresses in the CC field, but when there is no value in the CC field than an error code 2295 pops up stating unknown message recipient. I need help with what I think should be a conditional snippet: if Me.CC = " ", then Me.From only else Me.From...
  7. D

    One field to update based on two other fields data

    I want one field to update based on two other fields information User selects "status" and inserts "date" request was made, automated due date populates "due date" field in form. 14 and 1 are days...not months or years. Private Sub Date_AfterUpdate(Cancel As Integer) If Me.[Priority] =...
  8. W

    Issue using Excel 03 & Access 03 together

    I have a 2 tier, Excel front end / Access back end, database set up that I inherited when I accepted my current position and I’m having a problem with it that I haven’t seen before. The set up is:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p>...

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